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Batch World ID proof verification with Axiom

This repo implements batch verification of World ID proofs to enable cheaper batch claims of WLD grants.

It is implemented via two components:

  • ZK circuits for batch World ID proof verification using Axiom's ZK circuit libraries.
  • Smart contracts implementing WLD grant claims based on batch-verified World ID proof results.

In what follows, we describe two different flows for WLD grants using this integration.

Note: The work in this repo has not been audited and should not be deployed in production prior to additional security review.

Worldcoin Grant Protocol

We implement two versions of WLD grants based on batch verification of World ID proofs.

  • WorldcoinAggregationV1: After proof verification, all the receivers in the batch immediately have their grant transferred to them.
  • WorldcoinAggregationV2: After proof verification, the receivers (or someone on their behalf) can prove into a Merkle root and transfer the grant to the receiver.

We recommend WLD Grant Protocol V1 for the best UX and cost for the grantee. We describe each variation below.

WLD Grant Protocol V1

In the V1 design, the grant contract automatically transfers the grant amount to each of the users in the batch in the same transaction as the verification. This design means users do not need to make an additional on-chain transaction to receive the grant, but incurs additional calldata and transfer cost for each grantee.

The V1 grant contract supports at most MAX_NUM_CLAIMS at once, and receives as part of the claim transaction a ZK proof whose unique public output is a Keccak hash of the 3 + 3 * MAX_NUM_CLAIMS ZK-verified quantities:

- vkeyHash - the Keccak hash of the flattened Groth16 vkey
- numClaims - the number of claims, which should satisfy 1 <= numClaims <= MAX_NUM_CLAIMS
- root - the World ID root the proofs are relative to
- grantIds_i for i = 1, ..., MAX_NUM_CLAIMS
- receivers_i for i = 1, ..., MAX_NUM_CLAIMS
- nullifierHashes_i for i = 1, ..., MAX_NUM_CLAIMS

The ZK proof verifies in ZK that:

  1. For 0 <= idx < numClaims, there are valid World ID proofs corresponding to (root, claimedNullifierHashes[idx], receivers[idx], grantIds[idx]) with the given Groth16 vkeyHash.

The V1 grants contract then:

  • checks the vkeyHash for the World ID Groth16 proof is valid
  • checks that grantIds[idx] is valid for 0 <= idx < numClaims
  • checks for each claiming grantee that the nullifier hash was not previously used
  • sends WLD to fulfill the claim

To simplify re-execution in the case of insufficient WLD balance, claims are all-or-nothing -- if the contract has insufficient WLD to fulfill the entire batch, the entire claim transaction will be reverted.

WLD Grant Protocol V2

In the V2 design, the grant contract implements a two-step process to distribute the grant. First, it verifies in ZK a Keccak Merkle root of a tree of eligible grant recipients with leaves given by abi.encodePacked(grantId, receiver, nullifierHash). This Merkle root is stored on-chain, and grantees use ordinary Merkle proofs to prove eligibility and claim their grants.

The V2 grant contract supports at most MAX_NUM_CLAIMS at once, where MAX_NUM_CLAIMS must be a power of two. It verifies the following 3 ZK-verified quantities using a ZK proof:

- vkeyHash - the Keccak hash of the flattened Groth16 vkey
- root - the World ID root the proofs are relative to
- claimsRoot - the Keccak Merkle root of the tree with `MAX_NUM_CLAIMS` leaves

The ZK proof verifies that

  1. There is a value 1 <= numClaims <= MAX_NUM_CLAIMS and arrays grantIds, receivers and claimedNullifierHashes so that for 0 <= idx < numClaims, there are valid World ID proofs corresponding to (root, claimedNullifierHashes[idx], receivers[idx], grantIds[idx]).
  2. The hash claimsRoot is the Keccak Merkle root of the tree with MAX_NUM_CLAIMS leaves, where the first numClaims leaves are given by abi.encodePacked(grantIds[idx], receivers[idx], claimedNullifierHashes[idx]) and the remaining leaves are abi.encodePacked(uint256(0), address(0), byte32(0)).

The V2 grants contract then:

  • checks the vkeyHash for the World ID Groth16 proof is valid
  • stores claimsRoot for grantees to claim WLD against

Grantees can claim WLD rewards from the V2 grants contract by passing a Merkle proof into:

    function claim(
        uint256 grantId,
        uint256 root,
        address receiver,
        bytes32 nullifierHash,
        bytes32[] calldata leaves,
        bytes32 isLeftBytes
    ) external {

Note that we use a Keccak Merkle tree without sorting of child hashes, meaning the parent hash is given by parent = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(left, right)). This means Merkle proof verification requires an indication of whether each proof hash is a left or right child, which we encode in bytes32 isLeftBytes so that byte idx of isLeftBytes is 1 if and only if leaves[idx] is a left child.

Test Deployments and Benchmarks

To benchmark gas usage and off-chain costs, we deployed WorldcoinAggregationV1 and WorldcoinAggregationV2 for sizes 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 (v1 only) and 8192 (v2 only) on Sepolia. Because the WLD token is not deployed on Sepolia, we mocked the WLD, RootValidator, and Grant contracts, as detailed below. After deployment, we initiated transactions for various batch sizes and measured amortized gas usage, calldata size and off-chain costs.

Test data was generated using semaphore-rs with the depth_30 feature flag. Our profiling assumes that the grantees have a 0 balance for WLD. If the grantees are existing WLD holders, the WLD transfer will take 17.1K less gas, with the difference (20K - 2.9K) coming from the cost of the SSTORE opcode for updating grantee balances.

WLD Grant Protocol V1

We deployed Grant Protocol V1 on Sepolia for different claim sizes and made sample fulfill transactions. We measure gas usage, calldata size and off-chain costs, displayed in the table below. We also compute gas attributed to proof verification, which excludes gas used for WLD token transfers and other business logic. We recommend this configuration setting for the best cost and UX.

In these benchmarks, onchain costs include L1 and L2 gas. Our onchain cost estimates assume an L2 gas cost of 0.06 gwei, L1 blob base fee of 1wei, and $3000 ETH. Our offchain cost estimates are conservative benchmarks based on on-demand AWS compute instances (m6a.4xlarge).

# Claims Sepolia Address Fulfill Tx L2 Gas/Claim Proof Gas/Claim Calldata/Claim Onchain $/Claim Offchain $/Claim
16 0x3689d27A428543100E7CeB663F55616cdE896F07 Fulfill Tx 75K 23K 232 $0.0139 $0.0208
32 0xF2EF0b7300BF2B0F0a7a310BABde640b3E74997B Fulfill Tx 64K 11K 164 $0.0118 $0.0181
64 0xe515583983388956147277Ec7a4347964D77bFbc Fulfill Tx 58K 6K 130 $0.0107 $0.0170
128 0x0cd9558c9f3BB010F8A0ec3Fd301178e1fc925F8 Fulfill Tx 56K 3K 113 $0.0103 $0.0158
256 0xa5fac0910068B7a570B0De0c2411A4185A3c3b03 Fulfill Tx 54K 1.4K 105 $0.0100 $0.0156

WLD Grant Protocol V2

We deployed Grant Protocol V2 on Sepolia for different sizes and made sample fulfill and claim transactions. We measured gas usage, calldata usage and off-chain costs, shown in the table below. We also show gas attributed to proof verification, which excludes gas used for WLD token transfers and other business logic.

In these benchmarks, onchain costs include L1 and L2 gas. Our onchain cost estimates assume an L2 gas cost of 0.06 gwei, L1 blob base fee of 1wei, and $3000 ETH. Our offchain cost estimates are conservative benchmarks based on on-demand AWS compute instances (m6a.4xlarge).

# Claims Sepolia Address Fulfill/Claim Tx L2 Gas/Claim Proof Gas/Claim Calldata/Claim Onchain $/Claim Offchain $/Claim
16 0x0725a6d62f7d9eC34197c57Bbc34B6657e251bf9 Fulfill Claim 113K 23K 482 $0.0212 $0.0207
32 0xDbef001fF19867075F02bB6Ee3D490235885AABA Fulfill Claim 103K 11K 451 $0.0193 $0.0225
64 0x15C11FA9f87819020ec63997e7f1FcDeb71E2420 Fulfill Claim 98K 6K 452 $0.0185 $0.0218
128 0xE43aB117477b9976fE02198299D933fdaC80E319 Fulfill Claim 96K 3K 468 $0.0182 $0.0217
8192 0x708151E55a73bf359A1E0cC87Ff7D88c87Db9859 Fulfill Claim 97K 0.04K 644 $0.0188 $0.214

For a given batch size, V2 consumes more gas than V1 per claim due to the additional claim transaction. As the batch size increases, the calldata per claim mostly decreases, reaching its minimum when the batch size is 32. After that the calldata per claim starts to increase due to increased calldata usage from the claim transaction.

External Contracts for Testing

We deployed the following other contracts to mock different aspects of the Worldcoin system on Sepolia and run the integration into Axiom.

Name Sepolia Address Description
WLDMock 0xe93D97b0Bd30bD61a9D02B0A471DbB329D5d1fd8 An ERC20 contract which mocks the WLD contract
RootValidatorMock 0x9c06c3F1deecb530857127009EBE7d112ecd0E3F A contract which implements the IRootValidator interface and never reverts on the the requireValidRoot call
GrantMock 0x5d1F6aDfff773A2146f1f3c947Ddad1945103DaC A contract which implements the IGrant interface and nver reverts on the checkValidity call

Development and Testing

Repository Overview

  • circuit/: Circuits and prover backend for standalone batch World ID aggregation.
    • Documentation for the standalone World ID aggregation circuits for WLD grants can be found in their own README.
  • src/
    • WorldcoinAggregationV1.sol: The smart contract for the WorldcoinAggregationV1 version.
    • WorldcoinAggregationV2.sol: The smart contract for the WorldcoinAggregationV2 version.
    • interfaces/: Interfaces used throughout the aggregation contracts.
  • test/: Full coverage testing over both the aggregation contracts. Includes end-to-end testing with a mocked witness generation over the circuit, unit testing, and fuzzes (where relevant).

Getting Started

Clone this repository (and git submodule dependencies) with:

git clone --recursive
cd worldcoin-aggregation
cp .env.example .env

To run the tests, fill in .env with your PROVIDER_URI_11155111. This must be a Sepolia RPC.

Run the tests with

forge test


Batch World ID proof verification with Axiom







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