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Andrei Pozolotin edited this page Dec 11, 2012 · 8 revisions


This project has 3 build systems:

  • Development CDT
  • Development NAR
  • Production NAR

each build system will produce artifacts with specific names and at specific locations which are both arch and os dependent;

barchart-udt native libarary loader will use the following search priority when looking for these artifacts:

  • Production NAR
  • Development CDT
  • Development NAR


Ubuntu 10.10

use 64 bit os;

use [multi-libs] (;

sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential libc6-dev ia32-libs g++-multilib  libc6-dev-i386

MacOSX 10.6.5

use 64 bit os;

use xcode;

use java developer package;

Windows 7

use 64 bit os;

use tdm-gcc with install in c:\mingw32 & c:\mingw64;

use [launch script] ( to set PATH for mingw32 or mingw64 before invocation of eclipse ;

JDK 1.6

install both 32 and 64 bit java in separate folders;

do not include either java on the path;

macosx java comes as "bundle"; regardles of what (32/64 java) is active on your system by default you must explicitly provide -d32 / -d64 for all java invocations for this project;

Eclipse 3.7

use [eclipse pulse] (

ask for current barchart-udt eclipse-pulse profile to be shared for you;

setup both 32 and 64 bit jre in your eclipse under the names "java32" and "java64"; macosx needs -d32 or -d64 options;

eclipse itself must run on top of JDK, not JRE;


intro for cdt

intro for jni

Development CDT

used for interactive development of both java and c++ code inside eclipse; allows to handle only single target os at a time; allows to test both 32/64 bits builds on the same os;

you must have eclipse cdt installed in your eclipse before you will be able to see cdt project configuration settings;

you must also activate [eclipse cdt perspective] ( ;

you must select your matching [build configuration] (

Project->Build Configurations->Set Active->cdt-{arch}-{os}-gpp

there are 6 cdt configs in this project (for each arch and os):

  • cdt_i386-Linux-gpp
  • cdt_amd64-Linux-gpp
  • cdt_i386-MacOSX-gpp
  • cdt_x86_64-MacOSX-gpp
  • cdt_x86-Windows-gpp
  • cdt_amd64-Windows-gpp

when cdt makes a build, you will see that a resource folder appears in you project with the same name as configuraton name; if you want cdt to re-build given configuration w/o "project clean" - just delete the resource folder; this folder is not part of source repository;

you must select active build configuration that matches your platform arch and current java bitness (32 vs 64);

you must have 2 named java jre defined in your eclipse: "java32" and "java64" (on macosx you must provide -d32/-d64 options to your java)

you must map one of these java jre to the "java se 1.6" in your eclipse;

every time you update/save your java / c++ code in eclipse the following will happen:

  • java will get compiled and placed in target/classes
  • c++ will get compiled and placed in cdt-{arch}-{os}-gpp folder as well as into target/test-classes
  • console will show c++ build errors, if any;
  • double-click on the highlighted c++ console error will bring you back to the c++ source at the location of the error;

to dispel the black magic of cdt build, take a look here: Project->Properties->Builders;

you will see that when eclipse detects change, the following steps are performed:

  • Java Builder, provided by JDT, runs incremental javac
  • Eclipse_JNI_Build, provided by this project, runs incremental javah
  • CDT Builder, provided by CDT, runs incremental gcc
  • Eclipse_LIB_Copy, provided by this project, runs artifact copy
  • Scanner Configuration Builder, provided by CDT, runs cdt parsers
  • Maven Project Builder, provided by M2E, copies extra resources as defined in pom.xml

location of produced "development cdt" native libs:


Development NAR

used for verification that maven-nar-plugin settings match to cdt settings; and that both cdt and nar produce identical libraries/artifacts;

[current nar settings] (

there are numerous "maven launch configurations" provided for various maven-related tasks, in form of nat scripts, with names such as maven-package.ant study them and create your own;

for example:

  • TODO

location of "development nar" native libs (example):


Production NAR

used for multi-platform jenkins auto build with maven-nar-plugin;

the process involves brining up all target platforms (jenkins slaves in vm), building libraries, running unit tests, running integration tests, and uploading jars and nars to the snapshot repo, and more;

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