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#Game code structure

##Pieces ####Sliding pieces (bishop/rook/queen)

  • SlidingPiece can implement #moves.
  • Each subclass will need #move_dirs, an array of deltas that stores directions.

####Stepping pieces (knight/king)

  • SteppingPiece can implement #moves.
  • Each subclass will need #deltas.

####The pawn TODO

##Methods of Piece:

  • is_on_board? checks if a move is on the board
  • valid_moves returns all moves that do not put the player into check
    • calls moves, selects from what it returns
  • moves_into_check?(pos)
    • calls board.dup and board.in_check?
  • move
    • checks if the move is valid
      • if the move is valid (does not put the player into check)
      • so: calls valid_moves

##Methods of SlidingPiece:

  • moves
    • returns all possible moves

##Methods of SteppingPiece:

  • moves

##Methods of Board:

  • in_check?
  • move(start, end_pos)

will raise some exceptions under the conditions given

will call the piece's move method dup




  • Generate a tree of all moves up to a certain depth. Assume opponent does the same.
    • Recursive depth-first search.
  • Once you reach the base case, return a score.
    • How will the score be calculated?
    • Can use conventional piece values to calculate utility of captures.
    • Assign a large value to check.
    • Fractional values for control of the center?
    • On checkmate, return an arbitrarily large value to ensure you do that.
    • White takes a positive value; black takes a negative value.
  • For other cases than the base, process the scores returned by previous cases.
    • How will this work?
  • Can optimize by pruning obviously bad moves.
    • If you can be checkmated, don't search that branch anymore.


This is chess.






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