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Craig Noble edited this page Aug 17, 2020 · 1 revision

Install the package:

install-package Our.Umbraco.Cashier.Stripe

Register the card and direct debit payment gateways with Cashier

public class RegisterPaymentGatewayComposer : IUserComposer
    public void Compose(Composition composition)
        composition.Register(typeof(ICardPaymentGateway), typeof(StripeCardPaymentGateway), Lifetime.Request);
        composition.Register(typeof(IDirectDebitPaymentGateway), typeof(StripeDirectDebitPaymentGateway), Lifetime.Request);

Stripe requires a public key and secret key. Get these from the Stripe dashboard. The Stripe Payment provider sets up a virtual routed Card and Direct Debit url that can be changed in the app settings.

Configure the AppSettings:

<add key="Cashier:Stripe:Public" value="{{INSERT STRIPE PUBLIC KEY HERE}}" />
<add key="Cashier:Stripe:Secret" value="{{INSERT STRIPE SECRET KEY HERE}}" />
<add key="Cashier:Stripe:CardPaymentUrl" value="pay-by-card" />
<add key="Cashier:Stripe:CardPaymentPageVirtualNode" value="{{INSERT Payment Page virtual node ID}}" />
<add key="Cashier:Stripe:DirectDebitPaymentUrl" value="set-up-direct-debit" xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing" />
<add key="Cashier:Stripe:DirectDebitPaymentPageVirtualNode" value="{{INSERT Payment Page virtual node ID}}" />
<add key="Cashier:Stripe:LiveMode" value="false" />

You can customise the views installed in the Views directory.

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