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This is a bash and zsh shell tool for maintaining AWS credentials in one or more shells and switching between AWS accounts.

Getting started using this tool


  • Clone the repo or download only the file.
  • python and pip installed
  • Install the AWS Command Line tools. AWS official installation documentation. Both AWS CLI version 1 and version 2 are supported. For new installs, version 2 is recommended.
  • Know the bucket name where your organizations roles are defined
  • Session tool is a bash tool, but on Mac OSX zsh is also supported.

Log in to your AWS account and download a set of API keys. Save the csv file to your computer.

source ./
get_session -i <api keys csv file> -b <bucket name> -d
get_session -s <MFACODE>
get_console_url <TAB>
assume_role <TAB>

In order to use session tool with zsh, you will have to add the following statement to your .zshrc file

autoload -Uz compinit

Replace PATH-TO-SESSION-TOOL with your path to session-tool.



This can be added to your .profile, .bashrc or similar.


The shell function definition file contains commands for managing your AWS session credentials. This is useful for terraform and aws cli commands.


get_session [-h] [-s] [-r] [-l] [-c] [-d|-u] [-v] [-i <file> -b <bucket>|-e] [-p <profile>] [<MFA token>]

  • <MFA token> Your one time token. If not provided, and you provided the -s option, the current credentials are stored.
  • -p <profile> The aws credentials profile to use as an auth base. The provided profile name will be cached, and be the new default for subsequent calls to get_session. Current cached profile: master To avoid having to enter a profile every time, you can use 'aws configure set default.session_tool_default_profile '
  • -s Save the resulting session to persistent storage for retrieval by other shells. You will be prompted twice for a passphrase to protect the stored credentials. Note that storing with an empty passphrase does not work.
  • -r Restore previously saved state. You will be promptet for the passphrase you stated when storing the session.
  • -l List currently stored sessions including a best guess on when the session expires based on file modification time.
  • -c Resets session, removing all environment variables.
  • -d Download a list of organization-wide roles to a profile- specific file ~/.aws/[profile]_session-tool_roles.cfg These entries can be overwritten in ~/.aws/[profile]_roles.cfg Fetching is done before getting the session token, using only the permissions granted by the profile. Upstream location and name of the roles list are configurable. Cannot be combined with other options.
  • -u Uploads ~/.aws/[profile]_session-tool_roles.cfg to the configured location. Requires more priviledges than download, so is usually done after assume-role. Cannot be combined with other options.
  • -v Verifies that the current session (not profile) is valid and not expired.
  • -i <file> Import csv file containing api key into your aws profile. This will create or replace your api key in the awsops profile. Also used to import from the output generated by the below export.
  • -e Export. Output a command line suitable for import on another host.
  • -b <bucket> Set bucket name during import for roles file.
  • -h Print this usage.

This command will on a successful authentication return session credentials for the Basefarm main account. The credentials are returned in the form of environment variables suitable for the aws and terraform cli. The returned session has a duration of 12 hours.

At least one of -s, -r or MFA token needs to be provided.

Session state is stored in ~/.aws/<profile>.aes, encrypted with a passphrase.


assume_role [-h] [-l] <role alias>

  • -h Print this usage.
  • -l List available role aliases.
  • role alias The alias of the role to assume. The alias name will be cached, so subsequent calls to get_console_url will use the cached value.

This command will use session credentials stored in the shell from previous calls to get_session The session credentials are then used to assume the given role.

The session credentials for the assumed role will replace the current session in the shell environment. The only way to retrieve the current session after an assume_role is to have stored your session using get_session with the -s option and then to import them again using get_session -r command.

The assumed role credentials will only be valid for one hour, this is a limitation in the underlaying AWS assume_role function.

The selected role alias will be cached in the AWS_ROLE_ALIAS environment variable, so you do not have to provide it on subsequent calls to assume_role.

Roles are configured in locally in ~/.aws/awsops_roles.cfg, and organization-wide in ~/.aws/awsops_session-tool_roles.cfg. The format of that file is as follows. Comment lines begin with #. No other type of comments are allowed. One line per role and each line is space separated. The role alias is a name you choose as a shortname for the role. external_id is optional.

Alias role_arn session_name external_id


# Roles for assume_role
# Alias role_arn session_name external_id
bf-awsopslab-admin arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/admin bf-awsopslab-admin BF-AWSOpsLab
foo-test arn:aws:iam::0987654321:role/admin bf-awsopslab-admin


get_console_url [-h] [-l] [-o|-d] [-u <url>] <role alias>

  • -h Print this usage.
  • -l List available role aliases.
  • -o Open URL in browser using a role specific profile.
  • -d Open URL in browser using the Default profile.
  • -u <url> Open the specific URL and not the default AWS dashboard.
  • role alias The alias of the role that will temporarily be assumed. The alias name will be cached, so subsequent calls to assume_role or get_console_url will use the cached value. Current cached default:

This command will use session credentials stored in the shell from a previous call to get_session The session credentials are then used to temporily assume the given role for the purpose of obtaining the console URL.

After this, the session credentials from a previous call to get_session or assume_role will be restored. The console URL will only be valid for one hour, this is a limitation in the underlaying AWS assume_role function.

The -o and -d options are currently only supported on Mac OS and Linux and only using the Chrome browser. You can select which browser binary to use by setting the session-tool_chrome configuration parameter in your ~/.aws/config file:

  aws configure set session-tool_chrome "/Applications/Google" --profile awsops
  aws configure set session-tool_chrome "/snap/bin/chromium" --profile awsops

See also: get_session, assume_role. The help for assume_role has more information about roles definitions and files.


rotate_credentials [-p PROFILE] [-y|-n] [-t]

This command will rotate API keys and optionaly also set a new password.

  • -p profile Which AWS credentials profile should be rotated. If not specified, the default profile for session-tool will be used. Otherwise, the profile named 'default' will be used.
  • -t Rotate both sets of keys. One set will be stored in the profile, the other set shown on the terminal. More info in the wiki.
  • -y Yes, password should also changed.
  • -n No, password should not be changed. If neither -y nor -n is specified, you will be asked whether or not. password should be changed.

After API key rotation, the command will output a command that can be ran on other hosts to import the new API key.
