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Release and branching strategy

garywong-bc edited this page Nov 30, 2017 · 3 revisions

Release naming

Follow the GitHub Help Creating Releases resource.

Create the release off the Master branch unless releasing a pre-release (alpha/beta).

We use semantic versioning following this format: 1.17.0 (Major.Sprint.Patch)

Branching strategy

The GWELLS team uses 2 main branches, developer and master, based on ‘A successful git branching model’.

Forked repositories can use other branches (such as feature branches) as required. Features are then merged through a pull request to the Developer branch in the GWELLS repository. When a release is planned, the Developer branch is merged into the Master branch.

The Master branch is a replication of production. Do not merge features into this branch. Patches and critical bug fixes should be made on the master branch and pulled into the developer branch.

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