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Tool to build image dataset: collect, classify, review

npm Package Version

Key Steps

  • Collect images from Google Search
  • Classify images with transfer learning
  • Review the classify result to ensure data quality


  • CLI support for ease of use
  • Typescript support
  • Works with plain Javascript, Typescript is not mandatory


npm install image-dataset

You can also install image-dataset with pnpm, yarn, or slnpm

Usage Example

Usage: npx image-dataset [options]

Cli Options


  • -h, --help : Show this help message and exit.
  • -v, --version : Show the version number and exit.

Download Mode:

  • -l, --listFile <path> : Specify a file containing a list of search terms. Each term should be on a new line.
  • -s, --searchTerm "<term>" : Add a single search term for processing. Use quotes if the term contains spaces.
  • -d, --downloadDir <dir> : Set the directory where downloads will be saved. Default is "./downloaded".

Analysis Mode:

  • -a, --analysis: Run analysis mode instead of download mode.

Rename Mode:

  • -r, --rename: Rename image filenames by content hash.

Web UI Mode:

  • -w, --webUI: Launch the web-based user interface.
  • -p, --port <number>: Set the port for the web UI. Default is 8100.


  • In download mode, at least one search term must be specified, either using --listFile or --searchTerm.
  • A mode is automatically selected when a mode-specific option is given. If none are selected, the help message will guide you.


This project is licensed with BSD-2-Clause

This is free, libre, and open-source software. It comes down to four essential freedoms [ref]:

  • The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others