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Repository files navigation


Speedy, all-in-one web application framework


Before the app can run, Config object should be initialized with the init function. This function returns a promise that if fulfilled, the app can be created.

The argument to the init function should be an object with the following format:

    amqp: object({
        host: string().required(),
        password: string().optional().default('guest'),
        port: number().optional().default(5672),
        protocol: string().optional().default('amqp'),
        username: string().optional().default('guest'),
    app: object({
        nodeEnv: string().optional().default('development'),
        nodeEnv: 'development',
    authentication: object({
        secretKey: string().required(),
        tokenLifeTime: number().optional().default(30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
    dataStore: object({
        prefix: string().empty('').optional().default(''),
        type: string().optional().default('redis'),
        prefix: '',
        type: 'redis',
    redis: object({
        host: string().required(),
        password: string().empty('').optional().default(''),
        port: number().optional().default(6379),
        protocol: string().empty('').optional().default(''),
        username: string().empty('').optional().default(''),

For example:

    amqp: {
        host: '',
    authentication: {
        secretKey: 'abcdefg',
    redis: {
        host: '',

Creating an App

After Config object is initialized and the returning promise is fulfilled, the app can be created.

const app = new App(options);

options for the app includes an string name, an optional http server options, and an optional rpc server options. http server options should be in the following format.

http: {
    host: string;
    port: number;
    protocol?: 'http' | 'https';

rpc server options should be in the foloowing format:

rpc: {
    queueNames: string[];

An example for creating an app is as follows:

const app = new App({
    http: {
        host: '',
        port: 9000,
        protocol: 'http',
    name: 'testApp',
    rpc: {
        queueNames: ['local_test_queue'],

Running the App

To run the app, run method should be called. For example:;

Adding a Route

To add a route to all defined servers, addRoutes method on the app instance should be called with an object implementing the following interface. This methods accepts both a single route options objects and array of them.

interface IRouteOptions {
    name: string;
    description: string;
    method: RouteMethod;
    path: string;
    controller: (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>;
    authentication?: IAuthenticationOptions;
    files?: boolean;
    payload?: (request: express.Request) => any;
    validate?: Joi.SchemaMap;
    rateLimit?: IRateLimiterOptions;
    cache?: ICacherOptions;

Route method accepts values from RouteMethod enum with the following definition:

enum RouteMethod {

controller must be an async function (returns a promise) and it will be called with the object returned from the payload function.

authentication object should implement the following interface:

files item is a boolean value, which if set to true, adds files array to the request object in payload function. The array will contain attached files with the following fields: fieldname, originalname, encoding, mimetype, size, and buffer.

interface IAuthenticationOptions {
    customAuthenticator?: (token: IAuthenticationToken) => boolean;
    renewToken?: boolean;
    roles: string[];

rateLimit object should implement the following interface:

interface IRateLimiterOptions {
    duration: number;
    allowedBeforeDelay: number;
    maximumDelay: number;
    allowedBeforeLimit: number;
    message?: string;
    keyGenerator?: (req: express.Request | IRpcRequest) => string;
    key: string;

cache object should implement the following interface:

interface ICacherOptions {
    expire: number;
    authBased: boolean;

Below is an example of adding a route:

    authentication: {
        renewToken: true,
        roles: ['user'],
    cache: {
        authBased: false,
        expire: 10,
    controller: async ({ files, id, name }) => {
        return {
            message: `Hello ${name}! ${files.length} files received.`,
    description: 'Get user information',
    files: true,
    method: RouteMethod.Post,
    name: 'get_user',
    path: '/user/:id',
    payload: (req) => ({
        files: req.files,
    rateLimit: {
        allowedBeforeDelay: 10,
        allowedBeforeLimit: 20,
        duration: 60,
        key: '',
        maximumDelay: 30 * 1000,
    validate: {
        files: Joi.array().required(),
        id: Joi.string().required(),
        name: Joi.string().required(),

Send RPC Request to Other Services

To communicate between services, RPC requests can be sent using the send method of the RpcSender class. The method is an async function that returns a promised, which if fulfilled, contains the response for the request. The argument for the send method should implement the following interface:

IRpcSenderRequest {
    service: string;
    name?: string;
    method?: RouteMethod;
    path?: string;
    authenticationToken?: string;
    payload?: any;

An example of sending an RPC request to a service called local_test_queue and a processor (e.g., route) called local_test_queue:

const response = await RpcSender.send({
    authenticationToken: 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6Ikprg0ofdyjjQbS1HEPr3xhM',
    name: 'create_user',
    payload: {
        id: '123',
        name: 'Dear User',
    service: 'user_management',


Speedy, all-in-one web application framework







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