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Middleware between Cypress and Mochawesome to enhance a Mochawesome report with screenshots and video. Also supports multiple Cypress runs combined to a single report.

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cypress-mx-report - Multiple Cypress runs combined into a single Mochawesome report file

Cypress Dashboard is cool, but if your project is on a budget and you outrun the free plan boundaries, you might need to look for alternative Cypress report generators.
One customizable solution with potential is Mochawesome, which provides tools (Mochawesome-Merge, Mochawesome-Report-Generator) to merge Cypress test results into a JSON file and generate a HTML report from it. These tools even enable you to generate a single report from multiple succeding test runs. But by default, this report would not contain screenshots nor videos. You need some custom code that hooks into the Mochawesome generator to attach screenshot/video links for the report. This custom code is provided by cypress-mx-report plugin.

As combining multiple report runs into a single report is a great feature, this plugin takes care that screenshots/videos of previous test runs are not overwritten, which Cypress would normally do. To accomplish this, the plugin will tell Cypress at runtime to create a unique subdirectory for the test run to save the screenshots/videos in and it will tell Mochawesome the links to these files, so that Mochawesome can integrate them into the report.


npm install @bfoese/cypress-mx-report --save-dev

How to use

First, you should have Cypress and Mochawesome installed.

Cypress config

This is the minimal Cypress config needed for this plugin:

# content of projects/my-app/cypress.json
  "supportFile": "projects/my-app/cypress/support/index.ts",
  "pluginsFile": "projects/my-app/cypress/plugins/index.ts",
  "videosFolder": "projects/my-app/cypress/videos",
  "screenshotsFolder": "projects/my-app/cypress/screenshots",
  "reporter": "cypress-multi-reporters",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "configFile": "projects/my-app/cypress/reporter-config.json"

This plugin requires a Cypress supportFile and pluginFile. Define the paths for these files, if not already added. And create these files, if they don't yet exist. See official Cypress documentation for this:

As the sole purpose of this plugin is to attach screenshots and/or videos to a Mochawesome report, you also need to configure the preferred directories for these media files which is done by defining the paths for screenshotsFolder and/or videosFolder. By default, Cypress would store screenshots and videos into the directory paths you define here. And when you have multiple succeeding Cypress runs, the screenshots/videos of the previous run will be overwritten. But this plugin aims to combine multiple Cypress runs to be combined into a single report. Therefore this plugin will ensure that the screenshots/videos of a Cypress run will be stored into a subdirectory of the path you define here.

The options reporter and reporterOptions are needed to make sure that Mochawesome is being used as a Cypress reporter. In reporterOptions.configFile a path to a file named reporter-config.json is being declared. This file should contain this:

# content of projects/my-app/cypress/reporter-config.json
    "reporterEnabled": "mochawesome",
    "mochawesomeReporterOptions": {
        "reportDir": "projects/my-app/cypress/results/json",
        "overwrite": false,
        "html": false,
        "json": true

During the Cypress test run, Mochawesome will create a JSON file for each spec file that was contained in the test run. With reportDir you tell Mochawesome where these JSON files are allowed to be stored. When generating the report, Mochawesome-Merge will merge all JSON files contained in this directory into a single report.

Register the plugin as new Cypress plugin

Your project should have a Cypress plugins file: cypress/plugins/plugin.ts.

This is how you register this module as a new Cypress plugin:

# cypress/plugins/plugin.ts

import * as cyMxReport from '@bfoese/cypress-mx-report/dist/plugin';

module.exports = (on: any, config: unknown) => {
  const modifiedConfig = cyMxReport.CypressMxReportPlugin.register(config);
  // other plugins
  return modifiedConfig;

cypress-mx-report will slightly modify the Cypress config. It is important that you return this modified config as shown above, otherwise it won't be applied.

Include screenshots and videos in your Mochawesome report

Your project should have a Cypress support file: cypress/support/index.ts.

In order to have screenshots and/or videos embedded into your Mochawesome report, you need to add the following code.

# cypress/support/index.ts
import { CypressMxReport } from '@bfoese/cypress-mx-report/dist/support';

# Include this line to have screenshots and videos attached to the report

# Or use the options object to control which media files should be included in the report and which not
CypressMxReport.includeMedia(Cypress, opts: { screenshots: true});
CypressMxReport.includeMedia(Cypress, opts: { videos: true});

Report Generation

Create some reusable scripts in your package.json:

"e2e:run": "cypress run --config-file projects/my-app/cypress.json",
"prereport:gen": "cd projects/my-app/cypress && mochawesome-merge ./results/json/*.json > ./results/mochawesome-bundle.json
  && mkdirp public/videos && mkdirp ./videos/ && ncp ./videos ./public/videos
  && mkdirp public/screenshots && mkdirp ./screenshots/ && ncp ./screenshots ./public/screenshots",
"report:gen": "cd projects/my-app/cypress && marge ./results/mochawesome-bundle.json --reportDir ./public --assetsDir ./public/assets --reportPageTitle 'E2E Report' -f e2e-report.html --charts true --code true"

The script e2e:run is the normal Cypress command to start a test run. You can perform multiple subsequent report runs with different configuration, e.g.

# 1st test run to include in the report
npm run e2e:run -- --config baseUrl= --browser edge
# 2nd test run to include in the report
npm run e2e:run -- --config baseUrl= --browser chrome
# 3rd test run to include in the report
npm run e2e:run -- --config baseUrl= --browser firefox

When your test runs are finished you can start the report generation:

npm run report:gen

This script requires Mochawesome-Merge and Mochawesome-Report-Generator to be installed which are not defined as peer-dependencies by this plugin as you could also use other tools to further process the Mochawesome JSON.

The command report:gen will implicitly execute the script prereport:gen at the beginning. You need to check and adapt these two scripts, if your cypress.json uses other names for the screenshots and videos directories as compared to shown above.

The purpose of prereport:gen is to let Mochawesome-Merge to merge all JSON files of the performed Cypress test runs into a single JSON file named mochawesome-bundle.json. The script will then copy the content of your Cypress screenshots/videos directory into a directory named public which in the end will contain the generated report HTML. In the last step, Mochawesome-Report-Generator (marge) will take the mochawesome-bundle.json to generate an HTML report file named e2e-report.html from it.


Middleware between Cypress and Mochawesome to enhance a Mochawesome report with screenshots and video. Also supports multiple Cypress runs combined to a single report.




