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Talend Data Preparation Free Desktop

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This repository contains the source files for Talend Data Preparation Free Desktop.

These files must be used together with the common code contained in daikon and data quality.


Folders description | Download | Documentation | Support | Contributing | License

1. Folders description

Project Description
dataprep-api rest service on top of transformation, preparation & dataset, used by webapp
dataprep-backend-common set of common objects shared by multiple services
dataprep-backend parent project for all backend projects
dataprep-dataset rest service to manage datasets (import, export, sample, stats)
dataprep-preparation rest service to manage preparations (create, list steps, get data)
dataprep-transformation rest service to apply transformations (actions are here)
dataprep-webapp web app (AngularJS)
tooling IDE specific config files + some other stuff


The following project provides UI for Data Prep.

Project Description
dataprep-webapp Builds all the AngularJS UI of Data Prep



The following projects provide back-end services exposed as REST API.

Project Description
dataprep-api Back-end API service for Data Preparation Web UI.
dataprep-transformation Back-end service for dataset transformation.
dataprep-dataset Back-end service for dataset operations (create, update, content index, get dataset metadata...)
dataprep-preparation Back-end service for preparation operations (create, update, get content, add or edit steps in preparations...)

Common and module management

The following projects don't build any back-end artifacts but provide build utilities.

Project Description
dataprep-backend Common POM for all back-end modules (defines all libraries & versions, as well as common build behaviors)
dataprep-backend-common Common resources and classes for back-end modules (CORS Filter, Branded Swagger UI...)

2. Download

You can download this product from the Talend website.

3. Usage and Documentation

Documentation is available on Talend Help Center.

4. Support

You can ask for help on our Forum.

5. Contributing

We welcome contributions of all kinds from anyone.

Using the bug tracker Talend bugtracker is the best channel for bug reports, feature requests and submitting pull requests.


  • All project are maven based.
  • A parent pom builds the web-app and its dependencies.
  • Specific Maven settings are required. See instructions in tooling.
  • See each module (e.g. dataprep-dataset) for specific build instructions.

IDE setup

See the tooling folder.

6. License

Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Talend

Licensed under the Apache Licence v2