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A Unity3D project for the Video Game Development Club 2015 fall semester.


To contribute to the project please create a fork and open PRs to the master. Make sure everyone know's what functionality your working on!


When writing commit messages, try aiming for under 140 characters. State why you made the changes you did more than what you did.

Project Standards

These are just a few standards that we would like the repository to follow for consistancy's sake. When you submit a PR we will make sure your changes follow these standards and if not ask you to make the appropriate changes so they do.

  • Folders, file names, enums, and enum constants should be done in camel case beggining in a capital letter
    • ex: DemoAssets
    • ex: EnemyBehavior
    • ex: enum EnemyState { Searching, Persuing, Attacking, Fleeing }
  • Function names are declared camel case and with starting letter lower case
    • ex: killSelf()
  • If an enum is made public it should be put in it's own file that is named the enum
    • ex: public enum EnemyState will be put in EnemyState.cs, which only contains the enum decleration and using statements.
    • This is to make finding where the enum is declared easier, as well as an attempt at making merge conflicts easier.
  • When you plan to have a class extend from monobehavior (such as a class meant for controlling camera movement), end the name of the class in Behavior
    • ex: CameraControlBehavior.cs
  • Document every class and function!
    • To quickly add a summary to a class or function, move the cursor to above the declaration of a class slash function and enter '///'. This in both Mono and VS start a nice body for the description of the class / function.
  • 0 public variables. To get a variable's value or set it create the appropriate getter and setter methods.

Programming Suggestions

These are just suggestions that have made Eli's time coding in Unity easier.

  • When having a function being called inside of one of MonoBehavior's messages ( ex: Update() ), then that function should end in that message's name.
    • This makes programming state machine's easier. The Update() contains a switch statement that calls the appropriate function based on the state.
    • ex: In Flee state, FleeUpdate() is a method that is called inside of Update.
    • ex: In Flee state, FleeOnCollisionEnter() is a method that is called inside of OnCollisionEnter
  • Initialize Vector3 variables to;
  • If you want to edit a script's variable in monobehavior add the [SerializeField] line above the variable decleration.
  • You should most likely be using a CharacterController rather than a rigid body for agent movement.
  • Don't use Destroy( gameObject ) for removing the gameobject in the scene. If it comes a time that you need to remove a gameobject from the scene localize that Destroy() statement to it's own method that can be called. Similar to destructors.


Little chicken games






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Contributors 4
