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Console Arguments

C272 edited this page Dec 18, 2019 · 3 revisions

Algo has several console arguments you can use to start in different modes, turn off or on features, and perform other tasks. Here is a comprehensive table of all the console arguments you can use (individually):

Console Arguments Purpose
algo Starts an interactive shell session for Algo.
algo -v Displays the installed version number and build.
algo -c [filename] Compiles the given file to a native executable for the current system.
algo --nohead Starts an interactive shell session without printing the header.
algo [filename] --dev Executes an Algo script, while showing lexed tokens and the action tree. Dumps variables upon finish.
algo [filename] Executes an Algo script.
algo help Displays help information for Algo's commands.
algo pkg [...] Executes package manager commands.