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An object-oriented option parser library for PHP, which supports type constraints, flag, multiple flag, multiple values, required value checking


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A powerful option parser toolkit for PHP, supporting type constraints, flag, multiple flag, multiple values and required value checking.

GetOptionKit supports PHP5.3, with fine unit testing with PHPUnit testing framework.

GetOptionKit is object-oriented, it's flexible and extendable.

Powering PHPBrew, CLIFramework and AssetKit


  • Simple format.
  • Type constrant.
  • Multiple value, requried value, optional value checking.
  • Auto-generated help text from defined options.
  • Support app/subcommand option parsing.
  • Option Value Validator
  • Option Suggestions
  • SPL library.
  • HHVM support.


  • PHP 5.3+

Install From Composer

composer require corneltek/getoptionkit

Supported Option Formats

simple flags:

program.php -a -b -c
program.php -abc
program.php -vvv   # incremental flag v=3
program.php -a -bc

with multiple values:

program.php -a foo -a bar -a zoo -b -b -b

specify value with equal sign:

program.php -a=foo
program.php --long=foo

with normal arguments:

program.php -a=foo -b=bar arg1 arg2 arg3
program.php arg1 arg2 arg3 -a=foo -b=bar

Option SPEC

v|verbose    flag option (with boolean value true)
d|dir:       option require a value (MUST require)
d|dir+       option with multiple values.
d|dir?       option with optional value
dir:=string  option with type constraint of string
dir:=number  option with type constraint of number
dir:=file    option with type constraint of file
dir:=date    option with type constraint of date
dir:=boolean option with type constraint of boolean
d            single character only option
dir          long option name

Command Line Forms

app [app-opts] [app arguments]

app [app-opts] subcommand [subcommand-opts] [subcommand-args]

app [app-opts] subcmd1 [subcmd-opts1] subcmd2 [subcmd-opts] subcmd3 [subcmd-opts3] [subcommand arguments....]


See more details in the documentation


Please check examples/demo.php.


% php examples/demo.php -f test -b 123 -b 333


* Available options:
      -f, --foo <value>    option requires a value.
     -b, --bar <value>+    option with multiple value.
    -z, --zoo [<value>]    option with optional value.
          -v, --verbose    verbose message.
            -d, --debug    debug message.
                 --long    long option name only.
                     -s    short option name only.
Enabled options: 
* key:foo      spec:-f, --foo <value>  desc:option requires a value.
    value => test

* key:bar      spec:-b, --bar <value>+  desc:option with multiple value.
        [0] => 123
        [1] => 333


use GetOptionKit\OptionCollection;
use GetOptionKit\OptionParser;
use GetOptionKit\OptionPrinter\ConsoleOptionPrinter;

$specs = new OptionCollection;
$specs->add('f|foo:', 'option requires a value.' )

$specs->add('b|bar+', 'option with multiple value.' )

$specs->add('ip+', 'Ip constraint' )

$specs->add('email+', 'Email address constraint' )

$specs->add('z|zoo?', 'option with optional value.' )

$specs->add('file:', 'option value should be a file.' )

$specs->add('v|verbose', 'verbose message.' );
$specs->add('d|debug', 'debug message.' );
$specs->add('long', 'long option name only.' );
$specs->add('s', 'short option name only.' );

$printer = new ConsoleOptionPrinter();
echo $printer->render($specs);

$parser = new OptionParser($specs);

echo "Enabled options: \n";
try {
    $result = $parser->parse( $argv );
    foreach ($result->keys as $key => $spec) {

    $opt = $result->keys['foo']; // return the option object.
    $str = $result->keys['foo']->value; // return the option value
} catch( Exception $e ) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


See for more details.

Option Value Type

The option value type help you validate the input, the following list is the current supported types:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • file
  • date
  • url
  • email
  • ip
  • ipv4
  • ipv6
  • regex

And here is the related sample code:

$opt->add( 'f|foo:' , 'with string type value' )

$opt->add( 'b|bar+' , 'with number type value' )

$opt->add( 'z|zoo?' , 'with boolean type value' )

$opt->add( 'file:' , 'with file type value' )

$opt->add( 'date:' , 'with date type value' )

$opt->add( 'url:' , 'with url type value' )

$opt->add( 'email:' , 'with email type value' )

$opt->add( 'ip:' , 'with ip(v4/v6) type value' )

$opt->add( 'ipv4:' , 'with ipv4 type value' )

$opt->add( 'ipv6:' , 'with ipv6 type value' )

$specs->add('r|regex:', 'with custom regex type value')
      ->isa('Regex', '/^([a-z]+)$/');

Please note that currently only string, number, boolean types can be validated.


$specs = new OptionCollection;
$spec_verbose = $specs->add('v|verbose');
$spec_color = $specs->add('c|color');
$spec_debug = $specs->add('d|debug');
$spec_verbose->description = 'verbose flag';

// ContinuousOptionParser
$parser = new ContinuousOptionParser( $specs );
$result = $parser->parse(explode(' ','program -v -d test -a -b -c subcommand -e -f -g subcommand2'));
$result2 = $parser->continueParse();


GetOptionKit\OptionPrinter can print options for you:

* Available options:
              -f, --foo   option requires a value.
              -b, --bar   option with multiple value.
              -z, --zoo   option with optional value.
          -v, --verbose   verbose message.
            -d, --debug   debug message.
                 --long   long option name only.
                     -s   short option name only.

Command-line app with subcommands

For application with subcommands is designed by following form:

[app name] [app opts] 
             [subcommand1] [subcommand-opts]
             [subcommand2] [subcommand-opts]
             [subcommand3] [subcommand-opts]

You can check the tests/GetOptionKit/ContinuousOptionParserTest.php unit test file:

// subcommand stack
$subcommands = array('subcommand1','subcommand2','subcommand3');

// different command has its own options
$subcommandSpecs = array(
    'subcommand1' => $cmdspecs,
    'subcommand2' => $cmdspecs,
    'subcommand3' => $cmdspecs,

// for saved options
$subcommandOptions = array();

// command arguments
$arguments = array();

$argv = explode(' ','program -v -d -c subcommand1 -a -b -c subcommand2 -c subcommand3 arg1 arg2 arg3');

// parse application options first
$parser = new ContinuousOptionParser( $appspecs );
$app_options = $parser->parse( $argv );
while (! $parser->isEnd()) {
    if (@$subcommands[0] && $parser->getCurrentArgument() == $subcommands[0]) {
        $subcommand = array_shift( $subcommands );
        $parser->setSpecs( $subcommandSpecs[$subcommand] );
        $subcommandOptions[ $subcommand ] = $parser->continueParse();
    } else {
        $arguments[] = $parser->advance();


  • Option Spec group.
  • option valid value checking.
  • custom command mapping.

Command Line Utility Design Concept

  • main program name should be easy to type, easy to remember.
  • subcommand should be easy to type, easy to remember. length should be shorter than 7 characters.
  • options should always have long descriptive name
  • a program should be easy to check usage.

General command interface

To list usage of all subcommands or the program itself:

$ prog help

To list the subcommand usage

$ prog help subcommand subcommand2 subcommand3


Fork this repository and clone it:

$ git clone git://
$ cd GetOptionKit
$ composer install

Run PHPUnit to test:

$ phpunit 


This project is released under MIT License.


An object-oriented option parser library for PHP, which supports type constraints, flag, multiple flag, multiple values, required value checking







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