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adopter: DSAG
adopter: DSAG
Work-stream that directly helps PALs in the Design System Adoption Guild.
adopter: External
adopter: External
Work-stream that directly helps a team outside of IBM.
adopter: PAL
adopter: PAL
Work-stream that directly helps a Pattern & Asset Library.
adopter: Product
adopter: Product
Work-stream that directly helps a Product team.
community contribution
community contribution
component: accordion
component: accordion
component: breadcrumb
component: breadcrumb
component: button
component: button
component: checkbox
component: checkbox
component: code-snippet
component: code-snippet
component: combo-button
component: combo-button
component: combobox
component: combobox
component: contained-list
component: contained-list
component: content-switcher
component: content-switcher
component: context-menu
component: context-menu
component: data-table
component: data-table
component: date-picker
component: date-picker
component: dropdown
component: dropdown
component: file-uploader
component: file-uploader
component: filterable-multiselect
component: filterable-multiselect
component: form
component: form
component: link
component: link
component: list
component: list
component: loading
component: loading
component: menu-button
component: menu-button
component: modal
component: modal
component: multiselect
component: multiselect
component: notification
component: notification
component: number-input
component: number-input