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maintained Gitea Release

🦔 sanic

chaos music control inspired by relaxx player

✨ Features

  • mpd web gui
    • search music
    • organize playlists
    • control current playback queue
  • no authentication required to control music playback
  • add playlists from internet radios (*.m3u, *.pls)
  • add music from other sources like youtube (youtube-dl)

👩‍💻 Installation

❄️ NixOS (flakes)

Example flake setup (untested):

  description = "Example Flake to install sanic on your host";
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.05;
    sanic = {
      url = gitlab:XenGi/sanic/main;
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, sanic }:
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
    nixosConfigurations."myhostname".nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem = {
      inherit system;
      modules = [
        { environment.systemPackages = [ sanic.packages.${system}.default ]; }

🇦 Arch Linux

Install from the AUR:

yay -S sanic

🐳 Container

Run as daemon:

podman run -d -v ./config.ini:/config.ini -p 8080:8080

🛠️ Development

sanic is developed using Nix, but you can also just use the usual Golang tooling.

Run local MPD instance for testing with make mpd.

Update go dependencies like this:

go get -u  # or `make update`
go mod tidy  # or `make tidy`
gomod2nix  # sync go deps with nix

❄️ w/ Nix

Enter development shell (also has mpc client installed for testing):

nix develop

Build sanic:

nix build

🐧 w/o Nix

Use these Make targets for your convenience:

  • run: Run project
  • build: Compile project
  • tidy: Add missing and remove unused modules
  • verify: Verify dependencies have expected content
  • format: Format go code
  • lint: Run linter (staticcheck)
  • test: Run tests
  • cert: Create https certificate for local testing

🐳 Container

You can run sanic in a container. Use these Make targets for convenience:

  • build-container: Build container image
  • run-container: Run container image

🗺️ Architecture


Made with ❤️ and golang logo.