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add the freeverbStereo.dsp example code
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cchafe committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent 7b6b8e0 commit 902720c
Showing 1 changed file with 132 additions and 0 deletions.
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions freeverbStereo.dsp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
declare name "FreeverbStereo";
declare version "0.0";
declare author "RM-CC";
declare description "Original freeverb demo application, modified so it doesn't mix inputs to mono";


// compile with faust2jaqt freeverbStereo.dsp
// or no gui with faust2jackconsole freeverbStereo.dsp
// only change is to remove the following + <:
// stereo_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread) = + <: mono_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, 0), mono_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread);
// so it's now
// stereo_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread) = mono_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, 0), mono_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread);

// A simple Schroeder reverberator primarily developed by "Jezar at Dreampoint" that
// is extensively used in the free-software world. It uses four Schroeder allpasses in
// series and eight parallel Schroeder-Moorer filtered-feedback comb-filters for each
// audio channel, and is said to be especially well tuned.
// `mono_freeverb` is a standard Faust function.
// #### Usage
// ```
// _ : mono_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread) : _;
// ```
// Where:
// * `fb1`: coefficient of the lowpass comb filters (0-1)
// * `fb2`: coefficient of the allpass comb filters (0-1)
// * `damp`: damping of the lowpass comb filter (0-1)
// * `spread`: spatial spread in number of samples (for stereo)
// #### License
// While this version is licensed LGPL (with exception) along with other GRAME
// library functions, the file freeverb.dsp in the examples directory of older
// Faust distributions, such as faust-0.9.85, was released under the BSD license,
// which is less restrictive.
// TODO: author RM
mono_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread) = _ <: par(i,8,lbcf(combtuningL(i)+spread,fb1,damp))
:> seq(i,4,fi.allpass_comb(1024, allpasstuningL(i)+spread, -fb2))
with {

// Filters parameters
combtuningL(0) = adaptSR(1116);
combtuningL(1) = adaptSR(1188);
combtuningL(2) = adaptSR(1277);
combtuningL(3) = adaptSR(1356);
combtuningL(4) = adaptSR(1422);
combtuningL(5) = adaptSR(1491);
combtuningL(6) = adaptSR(1557);
combtuningL(7) = adaptSR(1617);

allpasstuningL(0) = adaptSR(556);
allpasstuningL(1) = adaptSR(441);
allpasstuningL(2) = adaptSR(341);
allpasstuningL(3) = adaptSR(225);

// Lowpass Feedback Combfilter:
lbcf(dt, fb, damp) = (+:@(dt)) ~ (*(1-damp) : (+ ~ *(damp)) : *(fb));

origSR = 44100;
adaptSR(val) = val*ma.SR/origSR : int;


// A simple Schroeder reverberator primarily developed by "Jezar at Dreampoint" that
// is extensively used in the free-software world. It uses four Schroeder allpasses in
// series and eight parallel Schroeder-Moorer filtered-feedback comb-filters for each
// audio channel, and is said to be especially well tuned.
// #### Usage
// ```
// _,_ : stereo_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread) : _,_;
// ```
// Where:
// * `fb1`: coefficient of the lowpass comb filters (0-1)
// * `fb2`: coefficient of the allpass comb filters (0-1)
// * `damp`: damping of the lowpass comb filter (0-1)
// * `spread`: spatial spread in number of samples (for stereo)
// TODO: author RM
stereo_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread) = mono_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, 0), mono_freeverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread);

// Freeverb demo application.
// #### Usage
// ```
// _,_ : freeverb_demo : _,_;
// ```
// Author: Romain Michon
// License: LGPL
freeverb_demo = _,_ <: (*(g)*fixedgain,*(g)*fixedgain :
stereo_freeverb(combfeed, allpassfeed, damping, spatSpread)),
*(1-g), *(1-g) :> _,_
scaleroom = 0.28;
offsetroom = 0.7;
allpassfeed = 0.5;
scaledamp = 0.4;
fixedgain = 1.0;
origSR = 44100;

parameters(x) = hgroup("Freeverb",x);
knobGroup(x) = parameters(vgroup("[0]",x));
damping = knobGroup(vslider("[0] Damp [style: knob] [tooltip: Somehow control the
density of the reverb.]",0.5, 0, 1, 0.025)*scaledamp*origSR/ma.SR);
combfeed = knobGroup(vslider("[1] RoomSize [style: knob] [tooltip: The room size
between 0 and 1 with 1 for the largest room.]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.025)*scaleroom*
origSR/ma.SR + offsetroom);
spatSpread = knobGroup(vslider("[2] Stereo Spread [style: knob] [tooltip: Spatial
spread between 0 and 1 with 1 for maximum spread.]",0.5,0,1,0.01)*46*ma.SR/origSR
: int);
g = parameters(vslider("[1] Wet [tooltip: The amount of reverb applied to the signal
between 0 and 1 with 1 for the maximum amount of reverb.]", 0.12, 0, 1, 0.025));

process = freeverb_demo;

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