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cdfarrow edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 3 revisions

FLExTools version 1 supports FieldWorks 7 & 8, and works with Python 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 on Windows only.

8 August 2016: v1.2.5 released. This version works with FieldWorks 8.3.0 and Python 2.7.11. See history.txt for a full list of changes.

See the Requirements and Setup sections below for installation information. (Note that the code isn't here on GitHub.)

Table of Contents


The following modules are included in FLExTools 1.2.5:

  • Reports.Lexeme_Usage_In_Corpus: counts usage of lexemes in the text corpus.
  • Reports.Text_Statistics: reports word-counts and averages for all texts.
  • Reports.Lexicon_Statistics: reports how many senses have definitions and examples.
  • Reports.Database_Information: lists writing systems, custom fields, and parts of speech.
  • Export.Dump_All_Headwords_To_File: writes all headwords to a text file.
  • Export.Dump_Published_Headwords_To_File: writes all published headwords to a text file.
  • Export.Dump_Texts_To_File: writes all texts to a text file.
  • Duplicates.Find_Duplicate_Entries: finds potential duplicate entries and tags them ready for merging.
  • Duplicates.Merge_Entries: merges entries according to user-defined control tags.
  • Duplicates.Merge_Senses: merges duplicate senses.
  • Chinese.Update_Tonenumber_Fields: generates Pinyin with tone numbers from Chinese characters.
  • Chinese.Update_Pinyin_Fields: generates Pinyin with tone diacritics from the tone numbers.
  • Chinese.Update_Reversal_Sort_Field: generates a Chinese sort field for the Chinese Reversal Index.
  • Chinese.Generate_Reversal_Sort_Field_Only: generates the sort field for the Chinese Reversal Index without updating Pinyin in the lexicon.
  • Utilities.Approve_Spelling_of_Numbers: sets the spelling status to Approved for all numerical wordforms (e.g. "100".)


  • 32 bit Python 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7 (Note that 32 bit Python is required even on 64 bit Windows) (
  • Fieldworks 7.2 or greater, or Fieldworks 8 (
  • Windows and .NET


  • Unzip FLExTools to a folder where you have read/write access (i.e. not C:\Program Files.)
Run FLExTools using the script file FlexTools.vbs

For debugging, run FlexTools_Debug.bat and check error.log for more information.


The zip file also contains some extras:

Example code

  • The CustomUtilities directory contains stand-alone Python scripts demonstrating some things you can do, such as checking example fields, adding items to the semantic domain field, or analysing text data using the nltk toolkit. To use any of this code within FLExTools itself, create a new Module (copy one of the example Modules), and then edit/add what you need from these examples.
  • The module FlexLibs/ is a wrapper class for working with a Flex database. If you come up with other useful methods to add please email me.


FlexicanJumpingBean is a simple utility to jump to places in FLEx from a taskbar icon. Useful for doing a Fieldworks presentation where you want to show different parts of the application without having to take the time to navigate there.

Further Information

  • The FieldWorks 8 database is accessed through an interface called FDO. See Python database access.pdf on the FieldWorks site for more information on using FDO with Python. Note that this document has not been updated for FieldWorks 9.
  • FLExTools uses Python.NET to interface with Fieldworks.