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Integration guide: E-prescription Switzerland service

1. E-prescription Switzerland service

The secure digital e-prescription for the Swiss healthcare sector

The E-prescription Switzerland service enables doctors to issue digital prescriptions – easily and in accordance with the law. The QR code enables pharmacies to record and validate them automatically. This means that processes in doctor's practices and pharmacies are more secure and more efficient. The E-prescription Switzerland service is a functionality of HIN Sign. The use of this service is linked to HIN membership.

eRezept Erklärungsskizze

Use cases

The E-prescription Switzerland service includes the following use cases for doctors and pharmacists:

  • Signing e-prescriptions
  • Verifying e-prescriptions
  • Revoking e-prescriptions
  • (Partial) dispensing of e-prescriptions
  • Cancelling these actions

1.2. Integration of the E-prescription Switzerland service

E-prescription as part of HIN Sign

The E-prescription Switzerland service is part of the HIN Sign service and is therefore available via the same integration. The component only needs to be integrated once and can be used to sign documents and/or e-prescriptions.

For integrators, this means:

  • An existing or new "HIN Sign document signature"-integration can also make use of the e-prescription functionality.
  • An existing or new "E-prescription Switzerland service"-integration can also be used to sign documents.

The HIN Sign document signature can be used to sign documents, which don't require a handwritten signature by law. Examples:

  • Medical prescriptions (exception: narcotic prescriptions)
  • Certificates of incapacity for work
  • Reports and expert opinions
  • Clinical findings
  • Forms

2. E-prescription Switzerland service: QR code specification

The E-prescription Switzerland service QR code contains the e-prescription data in machine-readable form, as well as an electronic signature.

The QR Code contains:

  1. A link to the e-prescription information page
  2. The e-prescription data in CHMED16A1 format
  3. The signature data for verification

eRezept QRCode URL

The use of a “URL fragment” in the link ensures that the e-prescription data is only available locally and is not sent to a server.

2.1. E-prescription data in the QR code

Applications that want to verify the e-prescription can do so by using the link in the QR code as the input for the verify command. Example:

The e-prescription data is located in the link in the QR code between the "#" and the "&". It is based on the CHMED16A specification. Because the link should be as short as possible, only the compressed variant CHMED16A1 should be used.

2.2. QR code signature

The QR code signature ensures the integrity and authenticity of the e-prescription and enables it to be verified. A key pair is used to save space. The signature is about 250 to 300 characters in length.

The signature contains:

  • Identity of the actor (Name and HIN eID)
  • Timestamp
  • Cryptographic signature



2.3. Key management

An ECDSA key is used for the signature. It is stored and managed on a secure access-controlled server. The key can be rotated or renewed if necessary. To ensure that past e-prescriptions remain valid during and after a rotation, a list of all valid keys is kept.

2.4. Audit log

Every action triggers an entry in a HIN Sign audit log. It contains the following information:

  • Type of action (signature, revocation, dispensation, cancellation)
  • Action data
    • E-prescription ID
    • Any other action parameters
  • Actor (user identity)
  • Timestamp of action

The audit log should ensure that the use of the service is transparent. The audit log can also be used to identify and correct any misuse. The corrections can be done in bulk. However, they are limited to the revoking of wrongly issued e-prescriptions.

The audit log does not contain any e-prescription data, with the exception of its ID.

2.5. Rules

Action Rules
Create - CHMED16A e-prescription ID must be a randomly generated ID, according to the UUID standard
- CHMED16A e-prescription ID must be unique and not issued yet
Revoke CHMED16A e-prescription ID must exist
Dispense - CHMED16A e-prescription ID must exist
- CHMED16A e-prescription ID must not have been revoked
- If the CHMED16A e-prescription ID was fully dispensed, further dispensations must be forced (see 4.2.4. Recording an e-prescription Dispensation)
Verify n/a
Cancel The event to be cancelled must:
- exist
- have been created by the same HIN eID
- not have been cancelled already

2.6. Events

Events record the lifecycle of an e-prescription.

2.6.1. Event types

Revoke The e-prescription is marked as void and is not valid anymore. This has nothing to do with dispensations and should only be used for wrongly issued e-prescriptions.
Partial dispense One or multiple prescribed medicaments are dispensed. The e-prescription still contains medicaments that were not dispensed. Partial dispenses of revoked e-prescriptions are not allowed. Partial dispenses of fully dispensed e-prescriptions must be forced (see 4.2.4. Recording an e-prescription Dispensation). In the case of forced dispensations, the responsibility lies with the dispensers (pharmacists).
Full dispense The e-prescription or all medicaments contained in it are dispensed. If all medicaments contained in the e-prescription have been dispensed through partial dispense, a full dispense must be made afterwards (this is not done automatically). Dispenses of revoked e-prescriptions are not allowed. Full dispenses of fully dispensed e-prescriptions must be forced (see 4.2.4. Recording an e-prescription Dispensation). In the case of forced dispensations, the responsibility lies with the dispensers (pharmacists).
Cancel An event (Revoke, Partial dispense, Full dispense, Cancel) is cancelled.

2.6.2. Event data

Revocations, (partial) dispensations and cancellations contain the following data:

Field name Mandatory? Description
Id mandatory Internal Id of an event
Type mandatory Event type

The following event types exist:

revoke | partial_dispense | full_dispense | cancel

Reference mandatory Reference to the "Id" field of the CHMED16A e-prescription
Dispenses optional For partial_dispense:

A list of medicament dispenses with the following fields:

Parameter Value Description
Id string The Id of the medicament*
Amount int Amount dispensed
Substitute string The Id of the substitute / medicament*
Substitute Id Type string The Id type of the substitute / medicament

*The Id is the field “Id” from the list of “Medicaments” from the CHMED16A data received as input. It does not regard the IdTypes and therefore works with all of them, assuming no collision between the different Types.

Event data optional

For cancel:
A reference to an Id of another event.

Parameter Value Description
EventId string The Id of the event
Timestamp mandatory Timestamp of the event
Actor HIN eID mandatory The actor's HIN eID
Actor name mandatory The actor's name

The event data is hosted in anonymised form (without the content of the e-prescription and without patient information) by HIN in Switzerland.

3. Integration of the E-prescription Switzerland service

3.1 Architecture

Issuing systems (PIS/KIS) integrate the E-prescription Switzerland service via the CLI, as shown in the diagram below. Patient and e-prescription data remains local and is never sent to HIN.

Architektur HIN Sign eRezept Service

3.2 Authentication and authorisation

For the various actions of the E-prescription Switzerland service, there are different requirements regarding the strength of authentication and authorisation.


Action Authentication Tech Authorisation
Create Personal HIN eID with hardening 20 (person code 10) Auth-Service (based on SAML) HIN membership
Revoke Personal HIN eID with hardening 20 Auth-Service (based on SAML) HIN membership
Verification None None None
Dispense - Personal HIN eID

- Team HIN eID

OAuth via HIN ACS HIN membership
Cancel - Personal HIN eID with hardening 20

- Team HIN eID

- Auth-Service (based on SAML)

- OAuth via HIN ACS

HIN membership

& only self-created events

Note on the authentication with “Personal HIN eID with hardening 20”:
This authentication is done via the HIN/ADSwiss Auth-Service, which ensures that the user was a correctly identified and recently authenticated. HIN Sign also uses the person code 10 to ensure that the person is a doctor.

EPD authentication
The issuance of e-prescriptions requires authentication on EPD level. The HIN/ADSwiss Auth-Service is used for this, as per the diagram below:

Architektur EPDG Authentisierung

4. HIN Sign API for e-prescription signature

4.1. Introduction

This section is an addendum to the Certifaction CLI documentation in the context of creating, revoking, redeeming and verifying e-prescription QR codes.

Please refer to the main documentation for a general description of the Certifaction CLI.

4.1.1. CLI Version

The e-prescription functionality is available from version v1.0.x and above.

The binary can be downloaded here.

4.1.2. How to activate the e-prescription functionality

To unlock the specific e-prescription commands and HTTP endpoints, you will need to define the following environment variables:


4.1.3. E-prescription JSON input

The Certifaction CLI command generates e-prescriptions signatures for e-prescriptions based on the CHMED16A1 standard as described under QR code specification.

4.1.4. General usage

Please refer to E-prescription endpoints for the list of all available endpoints.

4.1.5. Authentication

Please see chapter Authentication and Authorisation.

When indicated, the requests must be authenticated as following (an environment is provided for testing that does not enforce authentication):

HTTP Server Mode (OAuth via HIN ACS):

Authorization: Bearer acs:<token>

HTTP Server Mode (Auth-Service):

Authorization: Bearer epdg:<token>

If the request is not authenticated a HTTP 401 Unauthorized or a HTTP 403 Forbidden response is returned.

For the creation of e-prescription the elevated EPD-Level Authentication based on SAML artifacts is mandatory. Please refer to the respective section for further details.

4.2. E-prescription Endpoints

This section describes the additional endpoints available when the e-prescription mode is enabled.

When the e-prescription mode is enabled, the following new endpoints are enabled:

POST /ePrescription/create Return a signed e-prescription QR code from the valid JSON document provided in the body.
POST /ePrescription/verify Return verification information about a signed e-prescription QR code provided in the body.
POST /ePrescription/revoke/<id> Invalidate a signed e-prescription QR code by registering it as revoked.
POST /ePrescription/dispense/<id> Registers a full or partial dispensation for a signed e-prescription.
POST /ePrescription/cancel/<id>/event/<eventid> Registers a cancelation of an event (revoke, dispense, cancel).

The HTTP endpoints directly mirror the CLI commands.

4.2.1. Creating an e-prescription QR Code


POST /ePrescription/create

Generate a signed e-prescription QR code from a valid input JSON document in the body. The available output formats are the following:

  • a QR Code image binary data in PNG format, or
  • the signed QR Code data as string


Query parameters

Parameter Value Default Description
output-format data or qrcode qrcode Sets the output format:
  • qrcode: returns the signed QR Code as a PNG
  • data: returns the signed qr code data as string in JSON
size Value in pixels Can be used with the --output-format qrcode to indicate the size of the resulting QR Code in pixels (optional)


200 OK Returns the requested signed QR code in the required format
400 Bad Request Failed to parse QR code size
409 Conflict Prescription already exists

Depending on the value of the output-format query parameter:

MIME type Content
image/png The signed e-prescription QR Code image as a PNG
application/json The signed QR code data as string in JSON

4.2.2. Verifying an e-prescription QR Code


POST /ePrescription/verify

Returns verification information about a signed e-prescription QR code provided in the body.


Request Body
A signed e-prescription QR Code in its string form.

The verification information consists of the following information:

Valid True if the QR code is correctly signed and not tampered with
Revoked True if the QR code has been marked as revoked
Dispensed True if the QR code has been marked as fully dispensed
Dispensations If available, an array containing each Medicament with a recorded Dispensation event and a list of those events

Example Response

   "issued_by":"Dr. Test Test 1 (test1)",
	 "actor_name":"Pharmacist 1"

4.2.3. Revoking an e-prescription QR Code


POST /ePrescription/revoke/<id>

Invalidate a signed e-prescription QR code by registering it as revoked


Query parameters

Parameter Value Description
Id string The Id of the e-prescription to be revoked


200 OK The e-prescription has been successfully revoked

4.2.4. Recording an e-prescription Dispensation


POST /ePrescription/dispense/<id>

Registers a full or partial dispensation for a signed e-prescription. Dispensations on revoked e-prescriptions are not allowed. Dispensations on fully dispensed e-prescriptions need to be forced (see below)


Query parameters

Parameter Value Description
Id string The Id of the e-prescription to be dispensed
Body See below Optional list of Medicament dispensation to record a partial dispensation
force boolean Optional parameter to force a dispensation if the prescription was fully dispensed

Request Body
The request body optionally contains a list of Medicament dispensation to record a partial dispensation.

The input consists of the following fields:

Parameter Value Description
id string The Id of the Medicament
amount int Amount dispensed
substitute string Substitute medicament
substitute_id_type int Substitute Id type

Example Request


Please check the event data section for more information about what data is stored.


200 OK Successfully recorded dispensation event
400 Bad Request Unable to parse dispensation record

4.2.5. Canceling a previous action / event by its Id


POST /ePrescription/cancel/<id>/event/<eventId>

Registers a cancellation of a previously created event (revocation, dispensation, or other cancellation)


Query parameters

Parameter Value Description
Id string The Id of the e-prescription
EventId string The Id of the e-prescription’s event to be canceled

Request Body


200 OK Successfully recorded cancellation event

4.3. Example API Call

Test data
Create a valid-chmed16a1.json file containing a valid CHMED16A1 data set.

Server mode
First start the server using the following command:

ENABLE_EPRESCRIPTION=true ./certifaction server --api

Then post the e-prescription data to the /ePrescription/create endpoint as following to get the signed e-prescription QR code as response:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer epdg:<token>" --data @valid-chmed16a1.json http://localhost:8082/ePrescription/create?type=qrcode > test-ePrescription.png

A complete example commands incl. authentication can be found in Appendix A.


A. E-prescription authentication and use case commands

Test Environment

ENABLE_EPRESCRIPTION=true certifaction server --api --hin-api

EPD Authentication

Required Secrets:
  • A HIN Account
  • A OAuth2 Client Id / Secret with permission for “ADSwiss_CI-Test”
OAuth Token for Auth Service
  1. Get Access Code<client_id>&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FgetAccessToken
    Get OAuth2 auth code for “AD Swiss Convenience Interface Test” via

  2. Code to Token

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data "grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FgetAccessToken&code=<access_code>&client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>"
User Login
  1. Get Login URL

    curl --request POST --url "" --header "accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
  2. Resolve Code to Handle

    curl --request POST --url "" -d "{\"authCode\":\"<auth_code>\"}" --header "accept: application/json" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
  3. Use handle as token in Authorization: Bearer epdg:<token> header for calls to CLI

ACS Authentication

Required Secrets
  • A HIN Account
  • A OAuth2 Client Id / Secret with permission for “HINSign”
User Login
    Get OAuth2 auth code for “HIN Signaturservice” via (HIN Login enforced)

  2. Code to Token

    curl -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data 'grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=&code=<AUTHORIZATION CODE>&client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>'
  3. Use token in Authorization: Bearer acs:<token> header for calls to CLI

Input Data

$ cat testCHMED16A1.txt

Use Cases

  1. Create a signed e-prescription

    Option 1: Output as Data/URL

    $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @testCHMED16A1.txt -H "authorization: Bearer epdg:<token>" http://localhost:8082/ePrescription/create?output-format=data
    HTTP/200 OK

    Option 2: Output as PNG QR Code

    $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @testCHMED16A1.txt -H “authorization: Bearer epdg:<token>” http://localhost:8082/ePrescription/create?output-format=qrcode > testQrCode.png
    HTTP/200 OK
  2. Verify e-prescription

    $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '…lXGtoKAAA&i=Dr.+Test+Test+1&t=1642529665&s=70cd59558926868ca5dbf18e671eb44caffa6d0be491cf736ed39159ba25c4413177c83088a5f29bf7d5b6d78dc8daa4ab609d0a384dbc2834e00dbea4487db101' http://localhost:8082/ePrescription/verify
    HTTP/200 OK
      "issued_by":"Dr. Test Test 1 (Test1)",
  3. Dispense e-prescription fully

    $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer acs:<token>" http://localhost:8082/ePrescription/dispense/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    HTTP/200 OK
  4. Verify e-prescription

    $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '…lXGtoKAAA&i=Dr.+Test+Test+1&t=1642529665&s=70cd59558926868ca5dbf18e671eb44caffa6d0be491cf736ed39159ba25c4413177c83088a5f29bf7d5b6d78dc8daa4ab609d0a384dbc2834e00dbea4487db101' http://localhost:8082/ePrescription/verify
    HTTP/200 OK
       "issued_by":"Dr. Test Test 1 (test1)",
    		 "actor_name":"Pharmacist 1"

B. Example use case

The following example, based on a specific use case, shows which data is recorded and how a pharmacist can interpret it to make a decision about a further dispensation.


  • 1 medicament with amount: 1
  • No repetition specified, i.e. repeatable once (only if the indication still exists)
  • No permanent prescription
  • Issued on 27.01.2022 → Duration of validity depends on cantonal regulations
Who Event Recorded dispense
Patient Receives new e-prescription
Patient Goes to pharmacy 1
Pharmacy 1 Verifies e-prescription and identifies that there were no dispenses made yet -> Dispenses medicament according to e-prescription
Pharmacy 1 Records partial dispense Partial dispense:
Event Partial dispense
Amount 1
Date 28.01.2022
Dispensed by Pharmacy 1
Medicament 3458478 (AMLODIPIN Sandoz eco Tabl 10 mg / Blister 30 Stk)
Patient Goes to pharmacy 2
Pharmacy 2 Verifies e-prescription and sees that one dispensation has already been made -> Dispenses medicament according to e-prescription
Pharmacy 2 Records partial dispense (optional) and records a full dispense Partial dispense (optional):
Event Partial dispense
Amount 1
Date 10.02.2022
Dispensed by Pharmacy 2
Medicament 3458478 (AMLODIPIN Sandoz eco Tabl 10 mg / Blister 30 Stk)
Full dispense:
Event Full dispense
Date 10.02.2022
Actor Pharmacy 2
Patient Goes to pharmacy 3
Pharmacy 3 Verifies e-prescription and identifies that it has already been fully validated -> Does not dispense medicament

C. Example input and output data

Example “simple” (~660 characters)

CHMED16 data


QR code content

QR code

Beispiel Einfach QRCode

Example “Dora Graber” (~1350 characters)

CHMED16 data


QR code content

QR code

Beispiel Dora Graber QRCode