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Enlive selectors syntax

owenRiddy edited this page Jan 19, 2022 · 2 revisions

Enlive selectors syntax

{node-selector node-selector} ; fragment selector {from to}
[selector-step (:>? selector-step)*]
#{node-selector*} ; grouping
a-symbol ; must evaluate to a state-machine
(some clojure code) ; must evaluate to a state-machine
:a-keyword ; can be :* :.class :tag :#id or any combination eg
#{selector-step*} ; union
[selector-step*] ; intersection
a-symbol ; must evaluate to a state-machine — some are already defined
(some clojure code) ; must evaluate to a state-machine — better built using some predefined functions, predicate builders or macros

Predefined selector-steps

root, first-child, last-child, first-of-type, last-of-type, only-child, only-of-type, void (CSS's :empty), odd and even.

Predefined functions

attr? CSS
(attr? attribute-keyword*)

sample usage:

(attr? :href) ; *[href]
(attr? :href :title) ; *[href][title]
attr= CSS
(attr= (attribute-keyword value)*)

sample usage:

(attr= :href "foo") ; *[href=foo]
(attr= :href "foo" :title "bar") ; *[href=foo][title=bar]
attr-has CSS
(attr-has (attribute-keyword value)*)

sample usage:

(attr-has :foo "bar" "baz") ; *[foo~=bar][foo~=baz]
attr-starts CSS
(attr-starts (attribute-keyword value)*)

sample usage:

(attr-starts :href "foo" :title "bar"); *[href^=foo][title^=bar]
attr-ends CSS
(attr-ends (attribute-keyword value)*)

sample usage:

(attr-ends :href "foo" :title "bar") ; *[href$=foo][title$=bar]
attr-contains CSS
(attr-contains (attribute-keyword value)*)

sample usage:

(attr-contains :href "foo" :title "bar") ; *[href*=foo][title*=bar]
attr|= CSS
(attr|= (attribute-keyword value)*)

sample usage:

(attr|= :lang "fr") ; *[lang|=fr]
nth-child CSS
(nth-child stride? offset)

sample usage:

(nth-child 3) ; *:nth-child(3)
(nth-child 4 2) ; *:nth-child(4n+2)
nth-last-child CSS
(nth-last-child stride? offset)

sample usage:

(nth-last-child 3) ; *:nth-last-child(3)
(nth-last-child 4 2) ; *:nth-last-child(4n+2)
nth-of-type CSS
(nth-of-type stride? offset)

sample usage:

(nth-of-type 3) ; *:nth-of-type(3)
(nth-of-type 4 2) ; *:nth-of-type(4n+2)
nth-last-of-type CSS
(nth-last-of-type stride? offset)

sample usage:

(nth-last-of-type 3) ; *:nth-last-of-type(3)
(nth-last-of-type 4 2) ; *:nth-last-of-type(4n+2)
but CSS

sample usage:

(but :a) ; :not(a)
(has selector)

sample usage:

(has [:a])

Predicate builders

These functions take a predicate and return a state-machine.
(pred predicate-on-elements)

sample usage:

(pred #(= (:tag %) tag-name))
(text-pred predicate-on-text-nodes)

sample usage:

(text-pred #(re-matches #"\d+" %))
(zip-pred predicate-on-elements-locs)
sm/pred (where sm aliases net.cgrand.enlive-html.state-machine)
(sm/pred predicate-on-locs)

Useful macros

selector takes a selector and evaluates to a state-machine, selector-step takes a selector-step and evaluates to a state-machine.
They are backed by compile-selector and compile-step.