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Continuous speech separation (CSS) is an approach to handling overlapped speech in conversational audio signals. Most previous speech separation algorithms were tested on artificially mixed pre-segmented speech signals and thus bypassed overlap detection and speaker counting by implicitly assuming overlapped regions to be already extracted from the input audio. CSS is an attempt to directly process the continuously incoming audio signals with online processing. The main concept was established and its effectiveness was evaluated on real meeting recordings in [1]. As these recordings were proprietary, a publicly available dataset, called LibriCSS, has been prepared by the same research group in [2]. This repository contains the programs for LibriCSS evaluation. The LibriCSS dataset can be used for evaluation offline algorithms.

[1] T. Yoshioka et al., "Advances in Online Audio-Visual Meeting Transcription," 2019 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), SG, Singapore, 2019, pp. 276-283.

[2] Z. Chen et al., "Continuous speech separation: dataset and analysis," ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, 2020, accepted for publication.


We use SCTK (, the NIST Scoring Toolkit, for evaluation and PyKaldi2 (, a Python internface to Kaldi for ASR. They can be installed as follows. Note that you need to have Docker enabled on your machine as it is required by PyKaldi2.

source ./

The second command defines some environmental variables, where is generated as a result of the first command.

We also use some Python packages. Assuming you are using conda, the simplest way to install all required dependencies is to create a conda environment as follows.

conda env create -f conda_env.yml
conda activate libricss_release

The second command activates the newly created environment named libricss_release.

Getting Started

Continuous input evaluation

To perform continuous input evaluation, you may follow the steps below.

  1. First, the data can be downloaded and preprocessed as follows.

  2. Then, ASR can be run by taking the following steps.

    ./asr/scripts/  # performing VAD
    sh  # activating PyKaldi2 Docker environment
    source asr/scripts/
    cd exp/data/baseline/segments/decoding_cmd
    .  # running ASR (If you want to specify the GPU to use, add "export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=N" at the top of, where N is an integer corresponding to the GPU index.)

    This will generate CTM files for each mini session, under exp/data/baseline/segments/decoding_result.sorted. If you want to use your own ASR system, you may skip this step.

    Also you might want to change the permission of intermediate files before you exit the PyKaldi2 Docker environment, as by default files generated within the Docker environment are owned by root.

    chmod -R 777 $EXPROOT
  3. Finally, the ASR results can be scored as follows.

    ./scoring/scripts/ exp/data/baseline/segments/decoding_result.sorted/13_0.0
    python ./scoring/python/ --inputdir exp/data/baseline/segments/decoding_result.sorted/13_0.0

    The Python script scoring/python/ will print out the results as follows.

    Result Summary
    Condition: %WER
    0S       : 15.4
    0L       : 11.4
    10       : 21.7
    20       : 27.2
    30       : 34.3
    40       : 40.4    

    This corresponds to the "no separation" results of Table 2 in [2]. If you have skipped step 2, you may use the sample CTM files provided under "sample" directory to see how the scoring script works.

Utterance-wise evaluation

Assuming that you have already downloaded the AM and PyKaldi2 as described above, ASR can be performed as follows.

./asr/scripts/  # performing VAD
sh  # activating PyKaldi2 Docker environment
source asr/scripts/

cd exp/data/separation_baseline/utterance/decoding_cmd  
.  # running ASR (If you want to specify the GPU to use, add "export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=N" at the top of, where N is an integer corresponding to the GPU index.)
exit  # quitting the Docker environment

After this step, the WERs of the utterance-wise evaluation are displayed as:

0S         : 11.5
0L         : 11.3
OV10       : 18.3
OV20       : 26.4
OV30       : 34.6
OV40       : 43.2

You might want to change the permission of the intermediate files before you exit the Docker environment, as by default the files generated within the Docker environment are owned by root.

chmod -R 777 $EXPROOT

Example CSS/SS Results

The steps described above generate the baseline results without speech separation nor overlapped speech recognition. We are also publishing example output waveforms of the CSS algorithm as well as the scripts that perform ASR and WER scoring for these signals. Those focusing on the front-end speech separation algorithms will be able to test their own algorithms by replacing the example waveforms by their own ones.

Continuous input evaluation

To perform continuous input evaluation, you may follow the steps below.

  1. First, the example waveforms can be downloaded as follows.


    Under each exp/data/separation_result/continuous_separation/overlap_ratio_*, you will find seg_*__{0,1}.wav. For example, seg_0_{0,1}.wav are the two-channel signals generated by the CSS algorithm applied to the original 7-channel segment_0.wav.

  2. Then, ASR can be run by taking the following steps.

    ./asr/scripts/  # performing VAD
    sh  # activating PyKaldi2 Docker environment
    source asr/scripts/
    cd exp/data/separation_baseline/decoding_cmd
    .  # running ASR (If you want to specify the GPU to use, add "export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=N" at the top of, where N is an integer corresponding to the GPU index.)
    exit  # quitting the Docker environment
  3. Finally, the ASR results can be scored as follows.

    ./scoring/scripts/ exp/data/separation_baseline/decoding_result.sorted/13_0.0/
    python scoring/python/ --inputdir exp/data/separation_baseline/decoding_result.sorted/13_0.0/

    The Python script scoring/python/ will print out the results as follows.

    Result Summary
    Condition: %WER
    0S       : 11.9
    0L       : 9.7
    10       : 13.4
    20       : 15.1
    30       : 19.7
    40       : 22.0    

    This corresponds to the "7ch" results of Table 3 in [2].

Utterance-wise evaluation

  1. The utterance-wise separaiton data are downloaded along with the continuous evaluation data, i.e., you can skip this step if you have done Step 1 of the section above.


    Under each exp/data/separation_result/utterance_separation/overlap_ratio_*, you will find utterance_*__{0,1}.wav. For example, utterance_0_{0,1}.wav are the two-channel signals obtained by applying the utterance-wise separation algorithm to the original 7-channel utterance_0.wav.

  2. Then, the ASR and WER calculation can be performed with the following steps.

    ./asr/scripts/  # performing VAD
    sh  # activating PyKaldi2 Docker environment
    source asr/scripts/
    cd exp/data/separation_baseline/utterance/decoding_cmd
    .  # running ASR (If you want to specify the GPU to use, add "export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=N" at the top of, where N is an integer corresponding to the GPU index.)
    exit  # quitting the Docker environment

    After this step, the WERs of the utterance-wise evaluation are displayed as:

    0S       : 8.3
    0L       : 8.4
    OV10     : 11.6
    OV20     : 16.0
    OV30     : 18.4
    OV40     : 21.6

    This corresponds to the "7ch" results of Table 1 in [2].

Some Details



LibriCSS consists of distant microphone recordings of concatenated LibriSpeech utterances played back from loudspeakers in an office room, which enables evaluation of speech separation algorithms that handle long form audio. See [2] for details of the data. The data can be downloaded at The archive file contains only the original "mini-session" recordings (see Section 3.1 of [2]) as well as the source signals played back from the loudspeakers. By following the instruction described in the README file, you should be able to generate the data for both utterance-wise evaluation (see Section 3.3.2 of [2]) and continuous input evaluation (Section 3.3.3 of [2]).

The original directory structure is different from that the ASR/scoring tools expect. Python script dataprep/python/ reorganizes the recordings. To see how it can be used, refer to dataprep/scripts/ (which executes all the necessary steps to start experiments).

Task (continuous input evaluation)

As a result of the data preparation step, the 7-ch and 1-ch test data are created by default under $EXPROOT/7ch and $EXPROOT/monaural, respectively (EXPROOT is defined in These directories consist of subdirectories named overlap_ratio_*_sil*_*_session*_actual*, each containing chunked mini-session audio files segment_*.wav (see Section 3.3.3 of [2]).

The task is to trascribe each file and save the result in the CTM format as segment_*.ctm. Refer to for the CTM format specification. The result directory has to retain the original subdirectory structure, as in the "sample" directory. Then, your ASR CTM files can be evaluated with scoring/scripts/

Task (utterance-wise evaluation)

The data stucture is the same as the continuous evaluation, organized by mini session, where each utterance in the mini session is pre-segmented with ground truth boundary information.

The utterance-wise evaluation transcribes each utterance individually. As with many existing speech separation/enhancement tasks, when multiple separation results are generated for one input utterance mixture, the transcription result with the lowest WER is picked as the final result.

Speaker Enrollment Utterances

For some speech separation and recognition tasks, speaker enrollment is required. We prepare a speaker enrollment list for every mini session and saved it in speaker_enrollment/libricss_speaker_info.jsonl. In libricss_speaker_info.jsonl, each item corresponds to one mini session, containing three keys: "dataid", "used_uttid", and "unused_uttid", where "dataid" is the session name while "used_uttid" and "unused_uttid" contain the used and unused utterance IDs, respectively, for each speaker in this 10-minute mini session recording. One example to load the jsonl file is shown as follows.

import jsonlines,os

We encourage the user to apply the speaker enrollment following the utterance order in "unused_uttid" to ensure the fair comparison among separation algorithms.


Libri-CSS: dataset and evaluation pipeline







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