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My personal blog about software engineering

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My personal blog about software engineering hosted on

Setting up jekyll locally

This blog uses Jekyll, the static web page generator of github.

Jekyll is a ruby package. So you need a ruby environment with the necessary dependencies to generate the blog as html page. Take a look at the jekyll documentation for a detailed guide on how to set things up. To set up a fresh working environment for this blog only the following commands are necessary (this is for arch linux):

# Install ruby
sudo pacman -Sy base-devel ruby ruby-bundler

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd blog

# Install the dependencies from the Gemfile:
bundle install

The last command installs all the ruby dependencies ("gems") from the Gemfile. This step may take a while because the dependencies are compiled from source code.

Build process for local preview

For local development do one of the following:

  • Build the static pages: bundle exec jekyll build --future
  • Serve the pages on a local webserver: bundle exec jekyll serve -P 8080
  • Or serve the pages with apache2 from docker: docker run -it -v $(pwd)/_site:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs -p8080:80 httpd

In the latter case the result is available at

When finished check for broken links

wget --spider -r -nd -nv -H -l 1 -w 0.1