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Update Data

chrRtg edited this page May 23, 2021 · 2 revisions


Table of Contents

  1. Update static data from EVE

  2. Update Prices

  3. Update Alliance and Corporation data

  4. Update Corporation Structures and Mining Ledgers

Update static data from EVE

After any major Update of EVE Online skŸlizers should learn about the changes. For this purpose the static data has to be updated.

We use the static data provided by Steve Ronuken (

Update the static data with a script:

./bin/ [--host="<host-name>"] --database="<db-name>" --user="<db-user>" [--pass="<user-password>"]

For more information or help

./bin/ -h

If the script does not run in your environment you should follow the procedure as described in ./ressource/readme_update.txt

Update Prices

In particular to show proper ISK for moons, ore and compositions the prices should be up to date.

To update prices from a shell use the command:

/usr/bin/php -f ./bin/skylizer_console.php update:prices

To update all prices use the additional parameter prices-all in your command (not recommended, the prices from EVE are not very usefull for us):

/usr/bin/php -f ./bin/skylizer_console.php update:prices-all

Update Alliance and Corporation data

On a regular schedule skŸlizer should learn about new alliances and corporations. To update them may take some hours because of the huge ammount of data. You should run this command daily.

To update alliances use the command:

/usr/bin/php -f ./bin/skylizer_console.php update:allycorp --ally

After alliances were updated you may update corporations too;

/usr/bin/php -f ./bin/skylizer_console.php update:allycorp --corp

In typical Unix shells you can run two consecutively commands if you put them semicolon seperated in one line:

/usr/bin/php -f ./bin/skylizer_console.php update:allycorp --ally; /usr/bin/php -f ./bin/skylizer_console.php update:allycorp --corp

Update Corporation Structures and Mining Ledgers

skŸlizer can show structures of one or many corporations as well fetch their mining ledgers. This require an initial login of a corporation director or some user with appropriate rights:

  • esi-corporations.read_structures : Allows reading a character's corporation's structure information
  • esi-industry.read_corporation_mining : Allows reading and observing a corporation's mining activity

For this purpose please log in using the "Corp Director Login" below the standard EVE Login button. This login is neccessary only once to start the proccess. If you discover your structures are no longer updated in skŸlizer please repeat the login.

skŸlizer will fetch the corporations structures and ledgers if you run this command:

/usr/bin/php -f ./bin/skylizer_console.php update:structures --all

You may run this commands each 10 minutes. If you feel you need less updates run the update each hour or maybe only once a day.

The parameter --all is to update not only the structures itself but also to fetch the mining ledgers. If you don't fetch ledgers you may remove this parameter.


You may use this example to set up your crontab. Please mind, the path to the php command /usr/bin/ as well the path to the application command /var/www/skylizer/ has to be set up for your environment.

0-50/5 0-2,4-23 * * *  /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/skylizer/bin/skylizer_console.php  update:structures
52/1 0-2,4-23 * * *  /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/skylizer/bin/skylizer_console.php update:prices; /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/skylizer/bin/skylizer_console.php  update:structures --all
3 3 * * * /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/skylizer/bin/skylizer_console.php update:allycorp --ally; /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/skylizer/bin/skylizer_console.php update:allycorp --corp