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Releases: cmsb2g/B2GAnaFW

New production tag for 76X data and MC with bugfixes in v7.6.x_v1.2

28 Apr 16:33
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This is a prroduction version of the B2G EDMNtuples. Updates since last production tag ``v7.6.x_v1.3'':

  • No code change since tag ``v7.6.x_v1.2''
  • Bugfix in JMEAnalysis/JetToolbox
  • New tag created for NTuple version


01 Apr 18:10
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Updating README

Production tag for 16Dec re-rprocessed data and 76X MiniAODv2 MC

31 Mar 15:40
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All jet collections made through JetToolBox.
Removing CMSTopTagger.
Adding leading two SV mass.

Production tag for 16Dec re-rprocessed data and 76X MiniAODv2 MC

22 Feb 11:03
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Tag includes fixing to EA for 25 ns to run on 25 ns 2015D data

26 Sep 07:17
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Tag to run on 25 ns 2015D data. Summer15_25ns_V2 JECs applied. Electron ID Spring15-25ns-V1applied.

25 Sep 17:01
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Tag to run on 25 ns 2015D data. Summer15_25ns_V2 JECs applied. Electr…

…on ID Spring15-25ns-V1applied.


cmsRun maxEvents=100 sample=/store/data/Run2015D/SingleMuon/MINIAOD/PromptReco-v3/000/256/675/00000/086B30F2-9B5F-E511-A3FC-02163E01429F.root outputLabel=B2GEDMNtuple_SingleMuonRun2015DPromptRecov3.root DataProcessing=Data25nsv2

Bug fix release for Photons

07 Aug 13:54
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Changes from Savvas to fix production to run correctly on photons.

Bug fix release to run on data

20 Jul 18:12
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The global tag was not correctly set in "V4.1" so I have fixed it.

To be used for data: contains fixes to warn about wrong GT

17 Jul 16:57
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Version 4 to be used for data

Version 4 for Fourth Set of B2GAnaFW ntuples, including first Certified Data

16 Jul 17:40
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Changes :