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Justin Jaffray edited this page Mar 27, 2018 · 3 revisions
  1. To release this package, you must have "maintainer" access to the cockroachdb package on PyPI.
  2. Submit a PR that bumps the version number in and adds release notes in
  3. In a local clone of the repo, check out the merge commit for that PR.
  4. Run ./ to make sure you have the necessary tools installed. (note that this installs into ~/envs/cockroachdb-python)
  5. Activate the virtual environment with source ~/envs/cockroach-python/bin/activate
  6. Run python sdist
  7. Test the release in a temporary virtualenv: virtualenv /tmp/testenv; /tmp/testenv/bin/pip install dist/cockroachdb-$VERSION.tar.gz (TODO: exercise the package installation in CI so this manual step isn't necessary)
  8. Run twine upload dist/cockroachdb-$VERSION.tar.gz. This will prompt for your password (unless you have added it to a .pypirc file)
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