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Oliver Mannion edited this page Jun 28, 2015 · 1 revision

Functional requirements

  • base file input
    • ability to create individual “agents” from multiple data sets which may require some data manipulation and merging
  • parameter input
    • ability to load multiple tables of parameters from CSV/XLS files, which can be modified in the user interface to test different scenarios and forecast forward
  • scheduling mechanism
    • very simple discrete time based - state changes occur at every tick (year)
  • simulation techniques
    • stochastic equations (require random number generation)
    • ability to clone “agents”
  • output
    • aggregate: charts and tables of aggregate information per year eg: freq distributions, mean, stddev, i.e. descriptive statistics and perhaps more; facility to weight and reweight the sample to obtain representativeness and for scenario testing
    • individual: the complete dataset (ie: state of each individual) after each year; ability to track an individual history (state changes over time)
    • NB: aggregate and individual yearly outputs will be used for
      • internal verification,
      • external validation/alignment/calibration to external benchmarks
      • more sophisticated analysis (eg: via SAS) that can’t be performed in the simulation software
  • user interface
    • a GUI for end users to control input and output, and run scenarios. Should be able to do multiple runs (with same parameters but different random seeds) to obtain a robust mean estimate. It should be intuitive and “easy” for an end user to use.

Other requirements

  • performance
    • external end users should be able to perform multiple runs of a multi-year simulation on a desktop PC in a reasonable amount of time (X mins)
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