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Anatomy of blocks

Carlos Rodriguez edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 2 revisions

This document attempts to give a visual representation and explanation of Tendermint/CometBFT blocks. Hopefully this serves as supporting material to understand better the official data structures documentation.

The diagram contains 3 blocks at consecutive heights (72, 73 and 74) of a local blockchain of 4 validators run using Cosmos SDK's simapp's testnet subcommands. At height 73 an x/bank send transaction is executed.

Main ideas:

  • Each block consists (among other things) of a header, the transactions executed in the block, and the votes of all the validators that committed to the previous block.
  • The header contains metadata about the block and about the consensus, as well as commitments to the data in the current block, the previous block, and the results returned by the application.

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