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Local setup

  • install Jekyll by executing following in terminal

    gem install bundler jekyll

  • Clone/download the repo

  • Navigate to repo via terminal and execute following

    bundle install

    bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

    this will start a local server on port 4000. Go to a browser and access http://localhost:4000

  • To only build the project execute bundle exec jekyll build and the project will get built inside _site folder

Netlify setup

  • When setting up this repo on netlify, make sure to have following as deployment settings

    Build command: jekyll build

    Publish directory: _site/

Hello-Bar Setup and Customization

  • The required script and configurations are added in footer.html
  • The complete information about Hello-bar can be found here
  • These are all the options you can use in the constructor:
new HelloBar({
  id: "", // A unique ID for this hello bar content (required for targeting)
  text: "", // Text you want the banner to display
  hideClose: false, // Set to `true` to hide close button
  position: "top", // Set to "bottom" to have the bar in the bottom instead of top
  fixed: false, // Set to `true` to set the position as fixed (on scroll)
  move: null, // Element(s) to force add margin-top to, in case you have any absolutely positioned elements
  duration: 500, // Animation duration in ms
  delay: 1, // Delay in ms
  align: "center", // Text alignment in CSS ("left", "right", or "center")
  background: "#eee", // Background color
  textColor: null, // Black or white text is automagically determined; you can specify a color if you like
  size: "normal", // Set to "large" for a big banner like Hello Bar,
  multiline: false, // Set to true to have multiple lines of text
  disableBodyMove: false, // Set to true to not move the body slightly down,
  hide: false, // Set to true to not show the bar
  ipEndpoint: "", // Endpoint to get IP info in case of location-based targeting
  i18n: {
    hideText: "Hide announcement" // ARIA-label for close button
  targeting: {
    once: false, // Set to true to not show after it's been closed in this session
    onceUser: false, // Set to true to not show after it's been closed by this user EVER,
    params: { // Support for URL param targeting
      // Add key-value pairs here
    // Some examples below
    location: { // Add targeting by location
      eu: false, // Set to true to only show in EU countries
      country: ["us", "ca", "in"], // Array of countries to show in,
      city: ["New Delhi"], // Array of cities to show in,
      ip: [""], // Array of IP addresses to show in,
      postal: [110048], // Array of postal codes to show in,
      region: ["California"], // Array of regions to show in
    pathName: "/about", // Only show on this path,
    href: "" // Only show on this URL