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Customization: Advanced

Dani Mahardhika edited this page Jun 27, 2017 · 45 revisions

NOTE: Customization mostly related to dashboard, not Icon Pack.

1. Dashboard Colors

Open colors.xml inside values folder.

  • colorPrimary2, 10
  • colorPrimaryDark1
  • colorAccent6
  • darkColorPrimarycolorPrimary for dark theme
  • darkColorPrimaryDarkcolorPrimaryDark for dark theme
  • darkColorAccentcolorAccent for dark theme
  • navigationBar11
  • navigationBarDarknavigationBar for dark theme

Splash Screen

  • splashColor → Splash screen background color

Navigation View

  • navigationViewTitle12
  • navigationViewTitleBack13
  • navigationViewText16
  • navigationViewTextDarknavigationViewText for dark theme
  • navigationViewTextSelected14
  • navigationViewTextSelectedDarknavigationViewTextSelected for dark theme
  • navigationViewSelectedBackground15
  • navigationViewSelectedBackgroundDarknavigationViewSelectedBackground for dark theme

Swipe Refresh

  • swipeRefresh → Refresh icon color when refreshing cloud wallpapers


  • toolbarIcon3
  • toolbarIconDarktoolbarIcon for dark theme


  • tabIndicator22
  • tabIndicatorDarktabIndicator for dark theme
  • tabText21
  • tabTextDarktabText for dark theme
  • tabTextSelected20
  • tabTextSelectedDarktabTextSelected for dark theme


  • cardBackground8
  • cardBackgroundDarkcardBackground for dark theme


  • rippleColor23
  • rippleColorDarkrippleColor for dark theme
  • rippleAccent24
  • rippleAccentDarkrippleAccent for dark theme


  • mainBackground9
  • mainBackgroundDarkmainBackground for dark theme
  • primaryText5
  • primaryTextDarkprimaryText for dark theme
  • secondaryText4
  • secondaryTextDarksecondaryText for dark theme
  • dividerList7
  • dividerListDarkdividerList for dark theme

Fast Scroll

  • fastScrollHandle19 Removed
  • fastScrollHandleDarkfastScrollHandle for dark theme Removed

Popup Bubble

  • popupBubble17 Removed
  • popupBubbleText18 Removed

2. Navigation Drawer Icons

  • ic_drawer_home.png → Home
  • ic_drawer_apply.png → Apply
  • ic_drawer_icons.png → Icons
  • ic_drawer_request.png → Icon Request
  • ic_drawer_wallpapers.png → Wallpapers
  • ic_drawer_settings.png → Settings
  • ic_drawer_faqs.png → FAQs
  • ic_drawer_about.png → About

Those are icon name for navigation drawer icons. If you want to replace the icon, create image .png format with 114 x 114 pixels dimensions, name it exactly same as icon name provided above. Copy *.png file to drawable-xxxhdpi folder.

NOTE: You only need to create 1 icon for each with white color. CandyBar will recolor it based on color provided in colors.xml.

3. Launcher Icons

  • ic_launcher_abc.png → ABC Launcher
  • ic_launcher_action.png → Action Launcher
  • ic_launcher_adw.png → ADW Launcher
  • ic_launcher_apex.png → Apex Launcher
  • ic_launcher_atom.png → Atom Launcher
  • ic_launcher_aviate.png → Aviate Launcher
  • ic_launcher_cm.png → CM Theme Engine
  • ic_launcher_evie.png → Evie Launcher
  • ic_launcher_go.png → GO Launcher
  • ic_launcher_holo.png → Holo Launcher
  • ic_launcher_holohd.png → Holo Launcher HD
  • ic_launcher_itop.png → iTop Launcher Removed
  • ic_launcher_kk.png → KK Launcher Removed
  • ic_launcher_lg.png → LG Home
  • ic_launcher_lucid.png → Lucid Launcher
  • ic_launcher_m.png → M Launcher
  • ic_launcher_mini.png → Mini Launcher
  • ic_launcher_mn.png → MN Launcher Removed
  • ic_launcher_new.png → New Launcher Removed
  • ic_launcher_next.png → Next Launcher
  • ic_launcher_nougat.png → Nougat Launcher
  • ic_launcher_nova.png → Nova Launcher
  • ic_launcher_s.png → S Launcher Removed
  • ic_launcher_smart.png → Smart Launcher
  • ic_launcher_solo.png → Solo Launcher
  • ic_launcher_v.png → V Launcher
  • ic_launcher_zenui.png → ZenUI Launcher
  • ic_launcher_zero.png → Zero Launcher

Those are icon name for launchers. If you want to replace the icon, create image .png format with 256 x 256 pixels dimensions, name it exactly same as icon name provided above. Copy *.png file to drawable-xxxhdpi folder.

4. Dashboard Font

System font will be used as default. If you want to change it, create folder inside assets folder named fonts. You will need 3 types of font for regular, medium, and bold.

  • Font-Bold.ttf → Bold font
  • Font-Medium.ttf → Medium font
  • Font-Regular.ttf → Default font

Rename your font exactly same as font name provided above. Copy to fonts folder inside assets folder.

5. Exclude Certain Name Inside Icons Preview

Open dashboard_icon_name_replacer.xml inside values folder.

  • enable_icon_name_replacer(true) Enable icon name replacer. (false) Disable icon name replacer.
  • icon_name_replacer → Put specific word that you want to repalce.

Here an example

You want to remove word app_ or replace word app_ with (blank).

<string-array name="icon_name_replacer">
    <!-- Word "app_" will be replaced with "" -->

Format: Word that you want to repalce + ,(comma) + Word that you want to replace with

6. Apex Launcher Settings

Open apex_settings.xml inside values folder.

  • drawer_background_color → App drawer background color. Format with Hex color codes, #aarrggbb.
    aa → Alpha
    rr → Red
    gg → Green
    bb → Blue

I'm not sure about the rest

  • drawer_icon_dark
  • drawer_icon_text_color
  • drawer_list_selector_dark_pressed
  • drawer_list_selector_light_pressed
  • drawer_selected_dark
  • drawer_selected_light
  • drawer_shadow_color
  • drawer_tab_text_color
  • drawer_text_color

7. Splash Screen Text

Copy and paste this

<string name="splash_screen_title">CandyBar Material Dashboard</string>

to dashboard_configurations.xml. Replace "CandyBar Material Dashboard" with your own text.

Here an example

<string name="splash_screen_title">My Own Text</string>

If you don't want to show it, just set to empty.

<string name="splash_screen_title"></string>