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Example React single page application that uses to search movies.

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movie-search (Single Page Application)

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

How does it work

It uses open source omdbapi, to fetch movies. Search starts after 3 or more letters, are typed into the search bar. Search is executed after user stops typing for 300 milliseconds. Requests are being cached on client side for 30 seconds (Cache-Control) and in Redis.


  • docker
  • docker compose
  • nodejs

Installing dependencies

yarn install


  1. Before you can run project in development mode, you need to start redis locally with docker run --name dev-redis -p 61379:6379 -d redis:alpine redis-server --appendonly yes.
  2. You need to set environment variable OMDB_APIKEY to the omdb api key, that you can request it here. Do not forget to activate your api key, by link sent to you in the email. For linux/unix based computer you can set environment variable by executing export OMDB_APIKEY=<REPLACE_ME> or you can just provide the environment variable in front of the command such as for example OMDB_APIKEY=<REPLACE_ME> yarn dev or OMDB_APIKEY=<REPLACE_ME> docker-compose up --build.

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn dev or npm run dev

Runs the app in the development mode.

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Another option to run in development mode is to run with docker compose such as NODE_ENV=development docker-compose up


Tests are running in the watch mode and will be re-run as soon as changes are saved.

yarn test or npm run test


To build for production run:

docker-compose up

If you need to rebuild the project run previous command with --build flag. If you want to destroy docker containers run docker-compose down. If you want to run in detached mode add -d flag. If rebuilding the containers for some reason did not work you can force recreate with --force-recreate flag.

  • First time: docker-compose up --build
  • Detached mode: docker-compose up -d --build
  • With force recreate: docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate

Client is running on: http://localhost:5000 API server is running on: http://localhost:4000


Improvements, if I had more time?

  • First API and frontend need to be separated
  • service worker needs to be enabled and offline mode should be treated accordingly
  • using lint for backend
  • developing library for SCSS for future reuse
  • trying to minimize dependencies in frontend bundle.js
  • test for better above the fold rendering
  • optimize for SEO
  • implement SSR on frontend
  • add content placeholder before the real content is being loaded from backend, improves user experience
  • add internationalization and localization to support different users
  • rtl and ltr support
  • testing on different devices
  • maybe I would use Varnish for request caching, so requests would not go to the backend at all


Example React single page application that uses to search movies.



