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The standard shareable config for stylelint.

Use it as is or as a foundation for your own config.

It is derived from the common rules found within a handful of CSS styleguides, including: The Idiomatic CSS Principles, Github's PrimerCSS Guidelines, Google's CSS Style Guide, Airbnb's Styleguide, and @mdo's Code Guide.

It favours flexibility over strictness for things like multi-line lists and single-line rulesets, and tries to avoid potentially divisive rules.


@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);

 * Multi-line comment

.selector-3[type="text"] {
	background: linear-gradient(#fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8));
	box-sizing: border-box;
	display: block;
	color: #333;

.selector-b:not(:first-child) {
	padding: 10px !important;
	top: calc(calc(1em * 2) / 3);

.selector-x { width: 10%; }
.selector-y { width: 20%; }
.selector-z { width: 30%; }

/* Single-line comment */

@media (min-width >= 60em) {
	.selector {
		/* Flush to parent comment */
		transform: translate(1, 1) scale(3);

@media (min-orientation: portrait), projection and (color) {
	.selector-i + .selector-ii {
		background: color(rgb(0, 0, 0) lightness(50%));
		font-family: helvetica, "arial black", sans-serif;

/* Flush single line comment */
	screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi),
	screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) {

	.selector {
				#fff 25px,
				rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 50px
		margin: 10px;
		margin-bottom: 5px;
			0 1px 1px #000,
			0 1px 0 #fff,
			2px 2px 1px 1px #ccc inset;
		height: 10rem;

	/* Flush nested single line comment */
	.selector::after {
		content: '→';
		background-image: url(x.svg);

Note: the config is tested against this example, as such the example contains plenty of CSS syntax, formatting and features.


$ npm install stylelint-config-uploadcare


If you've installed stylelint-config-uploadcare locally within your project, just set your stylelint config to:

	"extends": "stylelint-config-uploadcare"

If you've globally installed stylelint-config-uploadcare using the -g flag, then you'll need to use the absolute path to stylelint-config-uploadcare in your config e.g.

	"extends": "/absolute/path/to/stylelint-config-uploadcare"

Extending the config

Simply add a "rules" key to your config, then add your overrides and additions there.

For example, to add the at-rule-no-unknown rule and use its ignoreAtRules option, change the indentation to tabs, turn off the number-leading-zero rule and add the unit-whitelist rule:

	"extends": "stylelint-config-uploadcare",
	"rules": {
		"at-rule-no-unknown": [ true, {
			"ignoreAtRules": [
		"indentation": "tab",
		"number-leading-zero": null,
		"unit-whitelist": ["em", "rem", "s"]

Suggested additions

stylelint-config-uploadcare is a great foundation for your own config. You can extend it create a tailored and much stricter config:

Using the config with SugarSS syntax

The config is broadly compatible with SugarSS syntax. You will need to turn off the declaration-block-trailing-semicolon rule, as so:

	"extends": "stylelint-config-uploadcare",
	"rules": {
		"declaration-block-trailing-semicolon": null


The standard shareable config for stylelint







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