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StephanOepen edited this page Jan 4, 2018 · 3 revisions


The SynSem research group at the Oslo Center for Advanced Study (CAS) holds a working meeting with parts of the (enhanced) Universal Dependencies (UD), to discuss meaning construction on top of UD syntax. The meeting will be held from Monday, March 19, to Wednesday, March 21, 2018, at Hotel Gabelshus in Oslo.


Name At OSL From OSL First Meal Last Meal Preferences
Johan Bos
Gosse Bouma
Marie Candito
Dan Flickinger
Matthew Gotham
Jan Hajic
Dag Haug
Matt Lamm
Marie de Marneffe
Joakim Nivre
Stephan Oepen seafood allergy
Adam Przepiórkowski
Siva Reddy
Djamé Seddah
Sebastian Schuster
Dan Zeman
Lilja Øvrelid


Participants are expected to make their own travel arrangements to Oslo and submit transportation receipts for reimbursement upon completion of the meeting. SynSem has earmarked up to EUR 1000 per participant traveling from outside Europe and up to EUR 400 per participant from within Europe; in case you find it impossible to make travel arrangements to Oslo within these limits, please make contact with Dag and Stephan as soon as possible. Accomodation and meals while in Oslo will be covered by SynSem directly.


We expect to prepare the programme collectively, with presentation (or maybe demonstration) and discussion slots as obvious building blocks. All participants are invited to (though not required) to present on their ongoing work, possibly in collaborating teams (e.g. Dag and Matthew on glue semantics for UD). In a first instance, we welcome suggestions for programme elements (of any type, not limited to the above examples), which we will collect incrementally.

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