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the result of hours of pouring over dotfiles and vods: a badly written colorscheme

A simple and clean Neovim theme (mostly) stolen from the one and only TGDV



You can customize the colors and highlights by passing tables to the setup function. The highlight options are passed directly to vim.api.nvim_set_hl.

The available named colors and set highlights can be seen in init.lua. For example, my own config looks like this:

require("piratebuddy").setup {
	colors = {
		tairiki_gray = "#a89984", -- adds a new color: `tairiki_gray`
	highlights = {
		["DiffChange"] = { fg = "$blue" },  -- can also specify RGB values here instead of named colors (#RRGGBB format)
		["DiffText"] = { fg = "$tairiki_gray" },
		["FloatBorder"] = { fg = "$bg_dark", bg = "$bg_dark" },
		["StatusLine"] = { fg = "$white_light", bg = "$bg_light"  },
		["SpecialChar"] = { fg = "$orange" },
		["LspInfoBorder"] = { fg = "$bg_dark", bg = "$bg_dark" },

		["netrwDir"] = { fg = "$blue_dark" },
		["netrwClassify"] = { fg = "$yellow_light" },
		["netrwSymLink"] = { fg = "$cyan" },
		["netrwLink"] = { fg = "$cyan" },
		["netrwExe"] = { fg = "$aqua" },

		["fugitiveHeader"] = { link = "Macro" },
		["fugitiveHelpHeader"] = { fg = "$gray_light" },
		["fugitiveHelpTag"] = { link = "fugitiveHelpHeader" },
		["fugitiveHunk"] = { fg = "$tairiki_gray" },
		["fugitiveSymbolicRef"] = { link = "Identifier" },
		["fugitiveStagedHeading"] = { link = "Macro" },
		["fugitiveStagedModifier"] = { link = "Structure" },
		["diffLine"] = { fg = "$yellow_light" },
		["diffSubname"] = { fg = "$blue_dark" },

		["@constant.builtin"] = { fg = "$orange" },
		[""] = { fg = "$blue_dark" },
		["@lsp.type.decorator"] = { link = "Macro" },
