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Core Analysis Framework of the DESY CMS Higgs -> bb group

See also the code documentation Doxygen page

⚠️ This package is supposed to contain only general codes to be used for analysis. Codes for specific analysis must be developed in dedicated packages/repositories, e.g. for the MSSM Hbb analyses one can use for developments the package Analysis/MssmHbb, which is currently under construction.


The codes as well as the ntuples are independent of CMSSW. However, in order to compile it uses scram. So the latest version in any architecture should be fine.

cmsrel CMSSW_X_Y_Z
cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src
git clone Analysis/Tools
scram b -j4 USER_CXXFLAGS="-Wno-misleading-indentation"

💤 The USER_CXXFLAGS="-Wno-misleading-indentation" prevents a large number of warnings from misleading identation in modules of the boost library. User can also define the environment variable below in .bashrc or every time after the command cmsenv

export USER_CXXFLAGS="-Wno-misleading-indentation"


Scale factors, efficiencies etc can be obtained from the analysis-calibrations repository (see also the in each run period directory). It is recommended to install it in the Analysis/Tools/data directory, for the framework loads the calibrations files from that path

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone Analysis/Tools/data/calibrations


The lists of ntuples files can be obtained from the analysis-ntuples repository (see also the in each run period directory). The repository can be installed in a directory of your convenience, e.g.

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone Analysis/Tools/data/ntuples

The ntuples path name is the global one for general grid access. If you are running your jobs on the NAF, it should be faster to use the /pnfs/... path name. To make the conversion simply issue the following command once for each installation of the analysis-ntuples as described above

The script will modify all the files in $CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/Tools/data/ntuples.


A simple example macro can be found in Analysis/Tools/bin/ The example is a simple offline and online dijet selection (+ muon selection in the semileptonic case) using signal MC samples and triggers from 2017 and 2018 periods. The macro uses a configuration file as input. Configuration files are avaialble for both the all-hadronic and semileptonic cases for both 2017 and 2018 periods:

To execute an example

cd Analysis/Tools/test
AnalyserSimpleExample -c analyser_example_semilep_2018.cfg

NAF Submission

A python script to submit to NAF condor queue,, is available.

N.B.: So far the script does not make a single submission of multiple jobs. So be careful not to make too many submissions.

usage: [-h] [--exe EXE] [--config CONFIG] [--ntuples NTUPLES] [--nfiles NFILES] [--json JSON] [--label LABEL] [--events EVENTS_MAX] [--test NJOBS] [--dir DIR] [--status] [--resubmit] [--expert]

Prepare, submit and check jobs to NAF HTCondor batch system

optional arguments:
      -h, --help                     show this help message and exit

      prepare and submit jobs

      --exe EXE, -e EXE              Executable (REQUIRED)
      --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG     Configuration file (REQUIRED)
      --ntuples NTUPLES, -n NTUPLES  List of ntuples file
      --nfiles NFILES, -x NFILES     Number of ntuple files per job
      --json JSON, -j JSON           JSON file with certified data
      --label LABEL, -l LABEL        user label for the submission
      --events EVENTS_MAX            override eventsMax in the config file (default = -1)
      --test NJOBS                   *** expert only ***:produce njobs, no automatic submission

      show and modify status

      --dir DIR                      an existing condor directory (REQUIRED)
      --status                       -> returns the status of the jobs in --dir
      --resubmit                     -> resubmits aborted and finished-with-error jobs in --dir
      --expert                       -> *** expert mode ***

If you provide a configuration file with the NTUPLES and JSON parameters, you do not need to parse them, the script will read out that information from the configuration file.

Using the example above to be submitted to the naf using HTCondor --exe AnalyserSimpleExample --config analyser_example_semilep_2018.cfg -nfiles 2

After the jobs were submitted there will be a directory called Condor_AnalyserSimpleExample_analyser_example_semilep_2018 containing several subdirectories called job_xxxx. In each of this subdirectory there will be several files. Files to take note will be:

  • <output>.root - the output file containing histograms etc of your analysis
  • finished.txt - a file that indicates whether the executable ran until the end (only if you are using the framework)
  • job.submit - HTCondor submit configuration file. If a job is not finished you can resubmit that job manually by issuing the command
condor_submit job.submit

Once the directory Condor_AnalyserSimpleExample_analyser_example_semilep_2018 is created, one can use the status options, e.g. --dir Condor_AnalyserSimpleExample_analyser_example_semilep_2018 --status

will display a table like this

                          ***  STATUS OF JOBS  ***

     job        finished       running       submitted       aborted       error       condor_id (latest)
   job_0000        v                                                         v             15962854.0
   job_0001        v                                                         v             15962854.1
   job_0002                       v                                                        15962854.2
   job_0003                                       v                                        15968568.0
   job_0004                                                      X                         15962854.4
   job_0005        v                                                         X             15962854.5

  N.B.: Good *finished* jobs will no longer appear in future "--status" calls

where v will appear as a green tick mark and x as a red X.

If jobs were aborted or finished with error, you can resubmit all of those jobs with the command --dir Condor_AnalyserSimpleExample_analyser_example_semilep_2018 --resubmit

which, in the example above, will resubmit the jobs job_0004 and job_0005.

Example Detailed Description

Creating a macro


In the macro the first thing done is the main Analyser instantiation

#include "Analysis/Tools/interface/Analyser.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace analysis;
using namespace analysis::tools;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   Analyser analyser(argc,argv);

The [Info] block in the .cfg file

process = MssmHbb
eventsMax = -1
ntuplesList = rootFileList.txt
isMC = true
output = histograms.root

passes general information to initialise the Analyser in the macro. The process parameter is the name of the parent TDirectoryFile in the ntuple. To find it

root -l ntuple.root
# in the root prompt type
# it will show
KEY: TDirectoryFile	MssmHbb;1	MssmHbb

Where ntuple.root is any input ntuple file, such as the ones in your roorFileList.txt or in the analysis-ntuples.

Hopefully the other names of the config parameters are self-explanatory.

In data one must specify the json file with certified lumis, e.g.

isMC = false
json = certified_json.txt

Event loop

The event loop must start like this

for ( int i = 0 ; i < analyser.nEvents() ; ++i )
   if ( ! analyser.event(i) )   continue;
   // do actions and selections

where the analyser.event(i) reads the event from the ntuple and performs some actions, such as applying generator event weights in MC and JSON certified lumis selection in data.


The Analyser has several predefined selection methods that reads parameters from the configuration file and apply to the event. The selections must be within the event loop.


For example, if the analysis involves jets, one must define which collection to be used, the minimum number of jets, the jet identification, the jet pT etc. In the configuration there is a block for jets with the relevant parameters

jets = updatedPatJets
nMin = 2
id = tight
puId = loose
ptMin = 60
ptMin = 50
etaMax = 2.2
etaMax = 2.2
extendedFlavour = true

⚠️ Parameters such as ptMin or etaMax are vectors, so the order in which they are put in the configuration makes a difference, so the first entry corresponds to the leading object, the second entry to the second leading object and so on.

In the macro, the selections are performed within the event loop calling the methods, which automatically reads the parameters from the configuration, e.g.

      // jet identification selection
      if ( ! analyser.selectionJetId()          )   continue;
      if ( ! analyser.selectionJetPileupId()    )   continue;
      if ( ! analyser.selectionNJets()          )   continue;

This will prepare a list of jets containing only jets passing the required identification criteria and with a certain number of jets defined in the configuration.

      //  1st and 2nd jet kinematic selection, pt and eta
      if ( ! analyser.selectionJet(1)          )   continue;
      if ( ! analyser.selectionJet(2)          )   continue;

In the Analyser::selectionJet method the argument is the jet rank, i.e., 1 refers to the leading jets, 2 refers to the second leading jet. the method will select the jet according to its pt and eta criteria defined in the configuration.


For the b-tagging there is a block in the configuration file, where one defines the algorithm, working points etc.

nMin  = 2
wp = medium
wp = medium
algorithm = deepflavour
loose  = 0.0494
medium = 0.2770
tight  = 0.7264

With this configuration, one intends to select events with at least the two leading jets tagged with medium working point using the deepflavour algorithm. The thresholds of the working points myst be specified.

To perform the selection in the event loop:

      if ( ! analyser.selectionBJet(1)         )   continue;
      if ( ! analyser.selectionBJet(2)         )   continue;

where the argument of the Analyser::selectionBJet is the jet rank as in the jet kinematic selection above.


Muon selection has its own configuration block and the procedure works in a similar way as jets

muons = slimmedMuons
nMin = 1
id = tight
ptMin = 13.
etaMax = 2.2

The selection code can be for example

      // muon identification selection
      if ( ! analyser.selectionMuonId()         )   continue;
      if ( ! analyser.selectionNMuons()         )   continue;
      // muon kinematic selection
      if ( ! analyser.selectionMuons()          )   continue;

⚠️ The method Analyser::selectionMuons for muon kinematic selection differs from the one used for jet kinematic selection, for it makes a list of muons passing the required kinematic selection and the event is good if there is at list the minimum number of jets required. This method is useful for the muon-jet association in analyses requiring jets containing a muon.

If one wants to select muons depending on their ranking, then one can use, like in the jets case,

      // leading muon kinematic selection
      if ( ! analyser.selectionMuon(1)          )   continue;


Histograms can be predefined in the Analyser, e.g. for jets one can use the method jetHistograms, which receives the arguments number of jets, which must be at most the minimum number of jets required, and a name of a directory. One can create as many directories as needed and fill the histograms at different steps of the analysis workflow, e.g. before the event loop:


then within the event loop:

for ( int i = 0 ; i < analyser.nEvents() ; ++i )
   if ( ! analyser.event(i) )   continue;
   // do something
   // do something else

Luminosity calculations on the NAF

In order to use brilcalc on the NAF, based on the BRIL Work Suite documentation and using python2 (python3 did not work(?)), do the following:

bash -b -p /nfs/dust/cms/user/<your_naf_username>/brilconda

Replace <your_naf_username> by your NAF username, also below.

Add the following to your shell environment, e.g. bash

export PATH=/nfs/dust/cms/user/<your_naf_username>/brilconda/bin:$PATH

Open a new terminal and test the command

brilcalc -h

If you see the help for the command, then the installation is ok and you can follow the instructions for luminosity calculations in the BRIL Work Suite documentation.

Scripts using brilcalc

To facilitate the life of the users, some scripts are available, e.g. to calculate the luminostities of HLT paths given a certified JSON file.

⚠️ While analyses are not fully migrated to CMSSW releases using python3, namely Run2 analyses, the scripts will reside in a different branch of analysis-tools that may not be up-to-date with the master. Therefore, use it only for the luminosity calculations. Once Run2 analyses are finished, the scripts should be part of the master branch.

In any case, the scripts should work in any machine, lxplus or naf, as long as brilcalc is installed.

Usually, running brilcalc takes a while. The scripts use multithreading to help speeding up the computation.

The installation, e.g. on the NAF el8, is done like this:

export SCRAM_ARCH=el8_amd64_gcc11
cmsrel CMSSW_13_2_4
cd CMSSW_13_2_4/src

git clone Analysis/Tools
cd Analysis/Tools
git checkout brilcalc
git clone data/calibrations
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
scram b -j4

The scripts are available in Analysis/Tools/scripts

HLT paths luminosities

The script that calculates the luminosity for HLT paths given a certified JSON is

$ --help
usage: [-h] [--json JSON] [--triggers TRIGGERS] [--normtag NORMTAG] [--unit UNIT] [--threads THREADS] [--decimals DECIMALS]
                   [--output OUTPUT]

Obtain HLT paths luminosities (brilcal)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --json JSON          Path to the Golden JSON file
  --triggers TRIGGERS  List of triggers (comma-separated or in a text file)
  --normtag NORMTAG    Path to the normtag file (default: /cvmfs/
  --unit UNIT          Unit default: /pb)
  --threads THREADS    Number of threads (default: 10)
  --decimals DECIMALS  Number of decimals in results (default: 4)
  --output OUTPUT      Output file

Notice that the list of triggers can be given in the command line, separated by commas, from a text file, where the list can be given one trigger per line, or comma separated. The obligatory parameters are the --json and --triggers parameters For example, the lumit

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/Tools/test \
--json=../data/calibrations/2017/certified/Cert_Run2017CDEF_13TeV_UL2017_Collisions17_GoldenJSON.txt \

where the output is a markdown table that can be redirected to an --output file.

| HLT Path | Recorded Luminosity [/pb] |
| --- | ---: |
| HLT_DoublePFJets100MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagCSV_p33 | 36263.6748 |
| HLT_Mu12_DoublePFJets40MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagCSV_p33 | 36674.5111 |

Active L1 seeds

In the situation where the L1 seed is an OR of triggers, one may obtain the certified JSON file containing the lumi sections where a given L1 trigger is active/inactive. The script scan all the runs in the JSON file and find the lumi sections where the L1 trigger has a prescale different from zero, i.e., the trigger is active. Prescale zero means trigger is inactive. The list of active lumi sections is compared to the JSON file and all LS where the trigger is active are kept in the final JSON.

$ --help
usage: [-h] [--json JSON] [--hlt HLT] [--l1 L1] [--threads THREADS]

Obtain certified LS when the L1 seed is active/inactive (brilcal)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --json JSON        Path to the Golden JSON file
  --hlt HLT          HLT Path
  --l1 L1            L1 Seed
  --threads THREADS  Number of threads (default: 20)

For example, the MSSM Hbb full hadronic trigger in 2017 \
--json ../data/calibrations/2017/certified/Cert_Run2017CDEF_13TeV_UL2017_Collisions17_GoldenJSON.txt \
--hlt HLT_DoublePFJets100MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagCSV_p33_v* \
--l1 L1_DoubleJet100er2p3_dEta_Max1p6

The output are two files, with the certified LS where the L1 trigger was active(inactive), whose names are built from the original JSON file name:

  • Cert_Run2017CDEF_13TeV_UL2017_Collisions17_GoldenJSON_L1Active.txt
  • Cert_Run2017CDEF_13TeV_UL2017_Collisions17_GoldenJSON_L1Inactive.txt

HLT pileup profiles and weights on the NAF

If an HLT path is prescaled one may need to re-weight to the unprescaled data. How to do that is available in the documents below:

Script for this task

In order to facilitate the creation of pileup weights, a script is available. To use it follow installation instructions used for the HLT luminosity calculations above, meaning, use the brilcalc branch of Roberval's analysis-tools.

The script to be used is called

$ --help
usage: [-h] --json JSON --triggers TRIGGERS [--step STEP] [--normtag NORMTAG] [--year YEAR] [--xsec XSEC] [--xsec_err XSEC_ERR] [--period PERIOD] [--max_bin MAX_BIN] [--num_bins NUM_BINS] [--threads THREADS]
                     [--keep] [--reference REFERENCE] [--label LABEL]

Obtain pileup weights for HLT paths

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json JSON           Path to the Golden JSON file
  --triggers TRIGGERS   List of triggers (comma-separated or in a text file)
  --step STEP           Step to be executed
  --normtag NORMTAG     Path to the normtag file (default: /cvmfs/
  --year YEAR           Year of data taking for the pileup (default: 2017)
  --xsec XSEC           Minimum bias cross section (default: 69200.0)
  --xsec_err XSEC_ERR   Uncertainty on minimum bias cross section (default: 3200.0)
  --period PERIOD       Run period (default: Run2)
  --max_bin MAX_BIN     Maximum pileup bin (default: 100)
  --num_bins NUM_BINS   Number of pileup bins (default: 100)
  --threads THREADS     Number of threads (default: 10)
  --keep                Keep the root files for each xsec variation, otherwise keep only files with merged histograms
  --reference REFERENCE 
                        Reference trigger for pileup weight
  --label LABEL         Label for the weight file

More information: $CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/Tools/scripts/

This script performs various operations related to pileup analysis for HLT paths. It includes steps for calculating pileup weights, merging histograms, and more. The script takes user-defined parameters via command-line arguments to customize the analysis.

  • Step 1: calculate the delivered and recorded luminosity per lumi section for given trigger path
  • Step 2: generate a new version of the pileup file
  • Step 3: calculate the pileup profiles of the given trigger path, given the min bias cross-section and its uncertainty
  • Step 4: merge histograms into a single file
  • Step 5: calculate the weights of the given trigger path given a reference path

N.B.: The brilcalc csv file from step 1 contains commented lines that may be a problem when running data frames. If you want you can remove them, except for the 'header', with the command

sed '2s/^#//; 2n; /^#/d' input.csv > output.csv

or, it you want all commented lines to be removed, including the header

sed '/^#/d' input.csv > output.csv


To obtain the pileup weight for the triggers in 2017, given in the trigger.txt file, with the golden json, run the command below. There will be several outputs for the different steps in a directory named after the given json file. The output files carry the name of the corresponding trigger. Important are the root files containing the pileup profiles and the ones containing the weights.

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/Tools/test \
--json ../data/calibrations/2017/certified/Cert_Run2017CDEF_13TeV_UL2017_Collisions17_GoldenJSON.txt \
--triggers triggers.txt \
--reference HLT_Mu12_DoublePFJets40MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagCSV_p33_v* \
--label SL

The --reference option specifies the reference trigger for the weights. It must be in the triggers.txt list and it will only run step 5 if defined. The --label option is a suffix at the end of the pileup weights file. It helps to distinguish between different conditions, e.g. different analysis certified JSON. For example, in 2017 the full hadronic trigger had a different certified data than the semi-leptonic. In such case, not only the --json option should be different, but also the --reference and --label options. That is,

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/Tools/test \
--json ../data/calibrations/2017/certified/Cert_Run2017CDEF_13TeV_UL2017_Collisions17_GoldenJSON_L1_DoubleJet100etc_Active.txt \
--triggers triggers.txt \
--reference HLT_DoublePFJets100MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagCSV_p33_v* \
--label FH

You may also have a different list of trigger in triggers.txt in case you won't use the SL control triggers for the FH analysis.

Here is an example of a triggers.txt for 2017
