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CSPTest утилита для тестирования СКЗИ КриптоПРО из командной строки

Dmitrii Evdokimov edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 1 revision


Утилита для тестирования СКЗИ КриптоПРО из командной строки


Входит в состав установки КриптоПРО - находится в папке "C:\Program Files\Crypto Pro\CSP". Отдельной лицензии не требуется - в отличие от CryptCP.


csptest.exe [global options] [mode] [options]

CSPTEST program: 

select [global options] from:
  -help         print this help
  -notime       do not show time elapsed
  -pause        Wait for keyboard input after completion so that
                you may check memory and other resources usage
  -reboot       Call DestroyCSProvider() of last used CSP at exit
                Services (cryptsrv*, HSM, etc) not affected
  -stack <mode> Set stack usage measure mode:
                0 - No check, 1 - Only check,
                2 - Only log, 3 - Check and log

select [mode] from:
  -lowenc       low level encryption/decryption test
  -sfenc        simplified level message encryption/decryption test
  -lowsign      low level message signing test
                Use '-lowsign -repeat NN' instead!
  -sfsign       simplified level message signing/verifying test
  -cmssfsign    simplified level message signing/verifying test (deprecated)
  -ipsec        ipsec tests
  -defprov      default provider manipulations
  -property     certificate obtain/install property for secret key linking
  -hash         get hash of the file
  -certkey      change provider name in certificate secret key link
  -absorb       absorbs all certs from containers with secret key linking
  -tlss         start tls server
  -tlsc         start tls client
  -certlic      cert license info
  -rc           verify pkcs#10/certificate signature
  -certprop     show certificate properties
  -sfse         simplified level message SignedAndEnveloped test
  -oid          oid info/set/get
  -passwd       set/change password
  -keycopy      copy container
  -keyset       create (open) keyset
  -card         Card readers information
  -enum         CSP parameters enumeration
  -perf         Performance tests
  -speed        Speed tests and optimal function mask setting


csptest.exe -sfsign [<command>] [<options>]

CSPTEST generate PKCS#7 Signed message
using CAPI simplified message functions

  -sign             Sign data from input filename
  -verify           Verify signature on data specified by input filename
  -help             Print this help

  -in <file>        Input filename to be signed or verified
  -out <file>       Output PKCS#7 filename
  -my <DName>       Cert from CURRENT_USER store (DName or thumbprint)
                    to process data
  -MY <DName>       Cert from LOCAL_MACHINE store (DName or thumbprint)
                    to process data
  -password <PIN>   Use PIN to open container
  -detached         Deal with detached signature
  -add              Add sender certificate to PKCS#7
  -signature <file> Detached signature file
  -alg <hashalg>    Hash algorithm: SHA1, MD5, MD2,
                    GOST12_256, GOST12_512, GOST94_256. If not specified,
                    alg will be picked automatically.
  -ask              Acquire csp context using my cert (default: none)
  -base64           Input/output with base64<->DER conversion
  -addsigtime       Add signing time attribute
  -cades_strict     Strict signingCertificateV2 attribute generation
  -cades_disable    Disable signingCertificateV2 attribute generation
  -display_content  Data to be displayed on Carrier/Reader is embedded in message content
  -silent           Do not display any user interface
  -req_compliant    Preview file before sign/verify and check certificate chain (works only with '-detached' option)

Пример подписывания файла

"C:\Program Files\Crypto Pro\CSP\csptest.exe" -sfsign -sign -in %1 -out %1.sig -my 1423e1c2a6f8b6dda59f5ec62d2bd8567f1559ab -password 12345678 -add -addsigtime

Пример подписывания файла с отдельной подписью

"C:\Program Files\Crypto Pro\CSP\csptest.exe" -sfsign -sign -in %1 -out %1.sig -my 1423e1c2a6f8b6dda59f5ec62d2bd8567f1559ab -password 12345678 -detached -add -base64 -addsigtime

Пример проверки и снятия подписи с файла

"C:\Program Files\Crypto Pro\CSP\csptest.exe" -sfsign -verify -in %1 -out %~n1 -my 1423e1c2a6f8b6dda59f5ec62d2bd8567f1559ab

Пример проверки отдельной подписи

"C:\Program Files\Crypto Pro\CSP\csptest.exe" -sfsign -verify -signature %1 -in %~n1 -my 1423e1c2a6f8b6dda59f5ec62d2bd8567f1559ab -detached или "C:\Program Files\Crypto Pro\CSP\csptest.exe" -sfsign -verify -in %1 -signature %1.sig -my 1423e1c2a6f8b6dda59f5ec62d2bd8567f1559ab -detached


csptest.exe -sfenc [<command>] [<options>]

CSPTEST generate PKCS#7 Signed message
using CAPI simplified message functions

  -encrypt          Encrypt input file
  -decrypt          Decrypt enveloped file, specified by input filename
                    Default context always used with decryption
  -help             Print this help

  -in <file>        Input filename to be encrypted or decrypted
  -out <file>       Output PKCS#7 filename
  -my <DName>       Cert from CURRENT_USER store (DName or thumbprint)
                    to process data
  -MY <DName>       Cert from LOCAL_MACHINE store (DName or thumbprint)
                    to process data. If certificate not specified,
                    default provider will be used
  -password <PIN>   Use PIN as password on container
  -base64           Input/output with base64<->DER conversion
  -cert <DName>     Cert from CURRENT_USER store (DName or thumbprint)
  -CERT <DName>     Cert from LOCAL_MACHINE store (DName or thumbprint)
  -ask              Acquire context using my cert (default: none)
  -alg <name>       Encryption algorithm to be used. Default: GOST
                    Additional: RC2, RC4, DES, 3DES
  -silent           Do not display any user interface

Пример шифрования файла на двух получателей

"C:\Program Files\Crypto Pro\CSP\csptest.exe" -sfenc -encrypt -in %1 -out %1.enc -cert 1423e1c2a6f8b6dda59f5ec62d2bd8567f1559ab -cert 1423e1c2a6f8b6dda59f5ec62d2bd8567f1559ab

Пример расшифровывания файла

"C:\Program Files\Crypto Pro\CSP\csptest.exe" -sfenc -decrypt -in %1 -out %~n1 -my 1423e1c2a6f8b6dda59f5ec62d2bd8567f1559ab -password 12345678