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pip install discloud

Dev installing

Note: need to download

pip install git+


Get Started

First of all, you need to get your Discloud API-Token. You can create a new one by typing .api in the Discloud Server. If you're in trouble on getting your Discloud API-Token, you can DM the Ticket bot (DisCloud ModMail#6424) in the server. The supporters will be glad on helping you

Understanding the returns


All methods that doesn't get information(e.g. start app/change ram/add mod) returns an Action. It has .status attribute, which is either "ok" when no issues happened, or "error" when something happened. It also contains .message attribute which is always returned when an error ocurrs, and is given on almost all actions.


Backup has a .url attribute that gives the application's backup link.


Logs has a .small attribute which returns the last ~1800 chars of your app logs, and a .full attribute that gives the complete logs





Creating a client

import discloud
client = discloud.Client("API-Token")


user = await client.user_info()
print(f"ID: '{}'")
plan = user.plan
print(f"Plan '{plan}'")
print(f"Expire date '{plan.expire_date}'")
print(f"Ends in '{plan.expires_in}'")
print(f"Used ram '{user.using_ram}'")
print(f"Total ram '{user.total_ram}'")
print(f"Locale '{user.locale}'")



bot = await client.app_info(target="APP_ID")
print(f"ID '{}'")
print(f"Status '{bot.status}'")
print(f"CPU '{bot.cpu}'")
print(f"Memory '{bot.memory}'")
print(f"Memory available '{bot.memory.available}'")
print(f"Using memory '{bot.memory.using}'")
print(f"Mem usada '{bot.memory.using}'")
print(f"SSD '{bot.ssd}'")
print(f"Download '{}'")
print(f"Upload '{bot.net_info.upload}'")
print(f"Online since '{bot.online_since}'")
print(f"Started at '{bot.start_date}'")


Client.app_logs() returns a Logs. The.logs attribute will give you the full logs content, .small_logs will give the last 1800 characters

logs = await client.logs(target="APP_ID")

print(logs.full) # complete logs
print(logs.small) # around last 1800 characters of your logs


Client.start()/Client.restart()/Client.stop() returns an Action.

# note: don't expect to get the results there if you use inside of your bot since its going to get shutdown
start_result = await client.start(target="APP_ID")
restart_result = await client.restart(target="APP_ID")
stop_result = await client.stop(target="APP_ID")

print(start_result) # See if the start was successful
print(restart_result) # See if the restart was successful
print(stop_result) # See if the stop was successful


Client.commit() returns an Action.

# note: this always restart your bot so you won't get a result if its inside of your bot
file = discloud.File("") # Must be .zip
result = await client.commit(app_id="APP_ID", file=file)

print(result.message) # See if the commit was successful


Client.backup() returns a Backup. The .url attribute will give you the link

backup = await client.backup(target="APP_ID")
print(backup.url) # Get backup url

Update Ram

Client.ram() returns an Action.

result = await client.ram(app_id="APP_ID", NEW_RAM)
print(result.message) # See if ram memory was updated


Client.upload_app() returns an Action. Note: the .zip must have a discloud.config file, more info at documentation

result = await client.upload_app(file=discloud.File(""))
print(result.message) # See if the app was successfully added


Client.delete_app() returns an Action.

result = await client.delete_app(app_id="APP_ID")
print(result.message) # See if the app was successfully deleted

Mods System

First you need to setup a specific client to manage bot mods or manage a bot as mod.

import discloud

client = discloud.Client("API-Token")
mod_client = discloud.ModManager(client, "APP_ID")

Second, be aware of what mods can currently do, actually they can have one or more of these permissions: "start_app", "stop_app", "restart_app", "logs_app", "commit_app", "edit_ram", "backup_app", "status_app"

Application Owners

To add a moderator to your app you must first have a Gold Plan or above.

Adding a moderator


permissions = ["start_app"]
await mod_client.add_mod(mod_id="MOD_ID", permissions)
Removing a moderator


await mod_client.remove_mod(mod_id="MOD_ID")
Changing moderator permissions


new_permissions = ["start_app", "restart_app"] # note: this remove existing perms if they are not there
await mod_client.edit_mod_perms(mod_id="MOD_ID", new_permissions)
Getting all moderators


mods = await mod_client.get_mods()
print(mods) # 

Application moderators

For each command you can do you will need the respective permission as mentioned above Commands: ModManager.start(), ModManager.restart(), ModManager.stop(), ModManager.commit(), ModManager.backup(), ModManager.logs(), ModManager.ram(), ModManager.status(),