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Kozejin edited this page Aug 14, 2024 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Palworld Palbot wiki page! Here are guides on how to setup and configure Palbot for your Palworld servers.

Environment Variables .env

  • BOT_TOKEN: The token for your discord application.
  • BOT_PREFIX: The prefix that will be used for commands. Default: !
  • BOT_ACTIVITY: The text that displays in your bots activity on discord.
  • BOT_LANGUAGE: The desired language for your bot.
  • STEAM_API_KEY: Your Steam API key. Can be obtained from Steam's dev page.
  • GUILD_WHITELIST: Lets you whitelist your discord so bot can't be invited to others.

Supported Languages

  • en: English
  • es: Spanish
  • de: German

Configuring Bot

All configuration is done directly from discord now.

Server Configuration:

  • Utilize the /addserver command to add your server.
    • Server Name: The name is just a unique identifier. Can be one or two words.
    • Server Host: This is the host address to your server. Example:
    • RCON Port: This is the assigned rcon port to your server.
    • Connection Port: This is the port used to connect to your server. Example:
    • Admin Password: This is the password used to access admin command in-game and over RCON.
  • Utilize the /removeserver to delete it from the bot.

Economy Configuration:

  • Utilize the /economyset settings command to configure your economy.
    • Currency Name: The name of your servers currency.
    • Invite Reward: The amount of points earned from inviting someone to discord.
    • Mini Work Reward: The minimum amount earned from working.
    • Maximum Work Reward: The maximum amount earned from working.
    • Daily Reward: The amount earned from your daily.
  • Utilize the /economyset timers to configure economy timers.
    • Work Timer (Seconds): The amount of time between each work cycle.
    • Daily Timer (Seconds): The amount of time between each daily use.
  • Utilize the /economyset misc to configure miscellanea settings.
    • Work Description: The text that will appear on /work.
    • Role Bonuses: Roles that will be awarded bonus Points when utilizing commands. Percentage based.

Kits Configuration:

  • Utilize the /managekits command to add or edit existing kits.
    • Kit Name: The name of the kit.
    • Commands Example: ["give {steamid} HandGun_Default_2 1", "give {steamid} HandgunBullet 250"]
    • Description: What you want the kit to say in the shop.
    • Price: The price of your kit in the shop. Setting price to 0 hides it.
  • Utilize the /deletekit command to delete a kit.

Translation Support

Palbot now supports multiple languages and will rely on community support for translation. Translation files are location in the i18n folder or can find the default English template here.

How to submit?

  • You can translate the file and submit it in a pull request with 1 commit. Making multiple commits for a translation file will result in it being closed.
  • Submit it on my discord as a copy/paste or over a website like pastebin. I do not take files directly from people.