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1. Introduction

Dev Chakraborty edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 15 revisions

Welcome to my RJafroc wiki! The purpose of this wiki is to guide users of my software and to serve as a first stop in understanding this field.

Since circa 2006 I have had a student and a software engineer (Xuetong Zhai and Hong-Jun Yoon) maintain my JAFROC website and software.

As of 2016 I am retired! Now that I am on my own, I find it difficult to maintain (i.e., make changes to) the website. Maintaining it involves dealing with HTML, CSS and PHP, to name just a few web-programming languages involved, and working in Dreamweaver. I almost hired a programmer to redo the website, but in retrospect I am glad I did not. I have come around to GitHub as an ideal way to disseminate knowledge and software.

Some of you have been interrupting me in my retirement nirvana with questions, and they know that I still respond to questions. These serve a two fold purpose. It helps me feel useful and it helps them deal with whatever questions they might have about this field.

There is one major exception: the user must have done the requisite homework. I cannot educate a neophyte who has not taken the time to read the literature, mostly contributed to by me. I take particular umbrage to those who have only read my first (1989) Medical Physics paper on modeling FROC curves and think they know it all. There has been considerable progress since 1989, and as you should know, the FROC curve should never be used as a measure of performance. The 1989 paper is obsolete and superseded by my 2006 Physics of Medicine and Biology papers on the search model, and other papers.

See here for recommended reading.

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