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pau gomez edited this page Aug 17, 2023 · 33 revisions

1. FPGA Pendulum Waves (Digital IO)

We are going to implement a digital version of the beautiful Pendulum Waves Experiment.

  1. Extend the LED_blink example to use 8 independent counters for every LED of your Redpitaya-125-14 with independently controllable counter incr but common resetn.

ℹ️ The AXI GPIO IP features only 2 register outputs. For more register outputs please use multiple instances of this IP or replace it by an AXI4 Register Bank IP instance, which has up to 16 independent register inputs/outputs. See here for instruction to import the corresponding IP library.

  1. Extend the LED_blink.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to configure LED frequencies of the type:

    f[i] = f0 + i * df

    for i=0,1...,7 and where f0 is the base frequency and df the frequency increment.

2. PWM (Digital IO & Simulation)

In this assignment we are going to develop a Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) module.

  1. Based on the counter.vhd or counter.v, create a new VHDL module that has the following ports
Name In/Out Width (bits) Description
clk in 1 System clock
resetn in 1 System reset (active low)
incr_i in 32 Internal counter increment per clock cycle
duty_cycle_i in 32 Internal counter threshold below (above) which pwm_o = 1 (pwm_o = 0)
pwm_o out 1 Pulse-width modulation output
  1. Simulate and validate the new VHDL module (follow the instructions in Behavioral Simulation).

  2. Connect the PWM module to the Redpitaya LEDs and verify that you can use it to dim the LED power.

  3. Connect the PWM module to the pwm_o ports (requires to uncomment PWM DAC section in redpitaya-125-14.xdc) and verify on an oscilloscope that the you can use PWM in combination with the integrated low-pass filter to generate an analogue output.

HINT : If you have problems creating your own PWM module, see pwm.vhd or pwm.v.

3. Axi Stream Waveform Generator (Analog IO)

The AXI Stream interface is the golden standard for continuous data flows. A comprehensive introduction to this interface type can be found here.

The most commonly used signals for an AXI stream interface are:

Signal name Direction Optional Description
<interface_name>_tvalid Master --> Slave No Indicates if the current data are valid. In many application this signal can be tied to 1.
<interface_name>_tdata Master --> Slave Yes Contains the actual data to transmit.
<interface_name>_tlast Master --> Slave Yes (defaults to 1 if not present) Indicates if the current sample is the last one to transmit. Typically only need within DMA transfers
<interface_name>_tready Slave --> Master Yes (defaults to 1 if not present) Indicates if the slave interface is ready to accept new data.

ℹ️ A data transaction is only performed when both _tvalid and _tready are asserted on the same clock cycle. As a result, this two signals can be used to throttle the data transaction, i.e. pausing the slave (via _tvalid = 0) until data are ready or pausing the master (via _tready = 0) until the slave is available for processing new data.

In this assignment we are going to convert the previously used counter and PWM modules and make their outputs AXI4-Stream compliant. You will be able to directly connect them to the DAC of your Redpitaya and create your own saw-tooth and square waveforms.

  1. Open the Analog-Echo design example

  2. Create a new VHDL module based on counter.vhd or counter.v where the 16 most-significant-bits (MSB) are connected to a <interface_name>_tdata output.

  3. Create a <interface_name>_tvalid output that is always 1.

  4. Connect the generated module to the DAC of your Redpitaya and observe on an oscilloscope the generated analog waveform. You should observe a saw-tooth waveform.

  5. Repeat steps (1)-(3) for the PWM module. Note that you will have to slightly change the output logic, since pwm_o = 1 and pwm_o = 0 should be mapped to <interface_name>_tdata = "01111111111111" (binary representation of max 16-bit integer) and <interface_name>_tdata = "1000000000000000" (binary representation of min 16-bit integer). Once connected to the DAC of your Redpitaya, you should see square waveforms on your oscilloscope.

HINT : If you have problems creating your own axis stream saw-tooth module, see test_waveform.vhd or test_waveform.v. .

4. DDS (Analog IO)

In this assignment we are going to use the Vivado DDS compiler to generate configurable sin/cos waveforms.

  1. Open the Analog-Echo design example.

  2. Click on Add Sources (left control panel) and import:

  3. Remove the connection from ADC to DAC and insert the dds_wrapper.vhd with the cos and sin outputs connected to dac_data_1 and dac_data_2, respectively.

  4. Connect the phase_incr, phase_off and phase_clr to the outputs of a configurable AXI4 Register Bank (part of the FPGA-Notes-for-Scientists IP library).

  5. Create HDL wrapper and generate bitstream.

  6. Create a Jupyter notebook to control the DDS:

    • phase_inc = (frequency / 125 MHz) * 2^32
    • phase_off = (phase_offset / 360 degree) * 2^32
  7. Verify the output on your oscilloscope

  8. Extend the FPGA design to include amplitude_ctrl.vhd or amplitude_ctrl.vmodule before between the DDS and the DAC. The amplitude can be set via the AXI4 Register Bank.

  9. Re-create HDL wrapper, generate bitstream and verify that you can also control the amplitude of the outputs.

  10. DDS multi-tone generation:

    1. Create 4 separate hierarchies containing:

      • AXI4 Register Banks for phase_inc, phase_off and amplitude.
      • DDS wrapper
      • Amplitude control
    2. Use a separate AXI4 Register Bank to provide a common phase_clr to all hierarchies.

    3. Add the 4 sin outputs via a cascade of stream_adder.vhd or stream_adder.v. Leave the 4 cos outputs disconnected.

    4. Connect the output of the cascade to dac_data_1 and disable dac_data_2 (double click on the DAC IP and uncheck Ch2 Enabled).

    5. Re-create HDL wrapper, generate bitstream and verify that you are able to generate a linear combination of 4 frequency tones.

    6. Configure the frequency, phase and amplitudes to generate Square, Triangular... waveforms. To this end, have a look at the Table of common Fourier series

4. DMA & Decimation (Analog IO)

In this assignment we are going to introduce a decimation logic that is capable of effectively slowing down an AXI Stream data flow.

  1. Create a new VHDL / Verilog module with the following ports:
Name In/Out Width (bits) Description
clk in 1 System clock
resetn in 1 System reset (active low)
dec in 32 Configurable decimation
data_i_tdata in 16 Data in subport
data_i_tvalid in 1 Data in valid subport
data_i_tready out 1 Data in ready subport
data_o_tdata out 16 Data out subport
data_o_tvalid out 1 Data out valid subport
data_o_tready in 1 Data out ready subport
  1. Edit the VHDL / Verilog module such that:
  • data_o_tdata = data_i_tdata
  • data_o_tvalid = data_i_tvalid every dec clock cycles and data_o_tvalid = 0 otherwise.
  • data_i_tready = data_o_tready every dec clock cycles and data_i_tready = 0 otherwise.

Hint: Have a look at the stream_dec.vhd or stream_dec.v to get inspired.

  1. Test and verify your VHDL core via a behavioural simulation.

  2. Open the previously created DMA design and insert decimation module right after the ADC output and another instance just before the DAC input.

  3. Enable 2 additional outputs of the register bank to separately control both decimations (dec inputs).

  4. Extend the DMA_transfer.ipynb to set the decimations.

  5. Try different DAC and ADC decimations and see how the acquired waveform gets effectively streched or compressed.