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Andmore IDE

David Carver edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 1 revision

This is deprecated. There will be an Eclipse EPP package for Andmore that contains everything you need.

Andmore is a Eclipse (Luna) based IDE for Android Development. It leverages the Eclipse Android Development Tools (currently 23.0.x), and the former MotoDev Studio plugins. It includes the following additional features:

  • Maven M2E
  • Android for Maven connector
  • EGit
  • Mylyn with GitHub connector
  • Mylyn Reviews with Gerrit Code Review
  • CDT for NDK support.
  • Eclipse Theme Plugin
  • Gradle Tooling Plugin

The Andmore perspective contains the following:

  • Android Code Snippets for common patterns
  • Device File Explorer for any ADB connected device.
    • Navigate around the devices file system.
    • Push new files to the device
    • Pull files from the device
  • Android Device view includes remote devices, virtual devices, and usb connected devices/handsets.
    • Ability to install/remove apks
    • Ability to perform MAT memory analysis on running process on the device/handset
    • Start/Stop avds
    • Create new AVDs.
  • Android Emulator View (currently not functioning).
  • Android APK Signing management view.
  • MOTODev menu which includes access to the String Internationalization Editor.


  • Add ADT SDK Manager and AVD Manager to the toolbar for the proteus perspective
  • Remove old outdated Motorola menu options.
  • Add Android Refactorings menu to proteus perspective
  • Fix bugs in Android Emulator View and Device view.

The MotoDev Database perspective includes the following additional features:

  • File Explorer for Emulator/Devices connected via adb.
  • SQL Lite database explorer
  • Android Code Snippets for common android patterns.

The IDE is very much an Beta release, and is mainly a convenient way to have all the plugins in one pre-packaged IDE. Proteus needs a splash page, and a Logo. Proteus is open source, and will be what the community makes it. Contributions are welcome, and encouraged. See the README for how to build the project from source.

P2 update site:

The plugins can be installed directly into an existing IDE.

ADT 23 (23.0.3):

  • Includes ADT 23.0.3 plugins
  • Includes Source and SDK Feature for all plugins including ADT 23.
  • Fixed missing JDT Debug dependency.

Going forward there will only be a P2 update site distributed. If you want the full package IDE, check the source out and build it from the command line.

ADT 20 or older:


The full IDE is available for testing and installation on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. The full IDE files are about 200 meg in size, and exceed the GitHub file size limit so they are available from Google Drive.

Both 32bit and 64bit versions are available. To install, just download and unzip the files.

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