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Staking Rewards

Tom Beynon edited this page Aug 24, 2022 · 1 revision

The Validator Registry can be used to provide information about your operation to Staking Rewards. This is useful for Verified Providers who need to provide an API providing information about their nodes.

Submit your validator information, including a chains.json with your validator address for each chain. Note you do not need to be a REStake operator to provide this information, just ignore the restake section in chains.json.

Once the PR has been merged and your directory exists in the repository, an API will be automatically available which can be given to Staking Rewards to provide your data to them.

The API is accessible at{directory}/staking-rewards. Change {directory} for the directory name for your operation in Validator Registry.

Note that for the time being, some chains won't report total user count as this information is expensive to query performance-wise. This will be improved over time.

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