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A Vim plugin for the Stan probabilistic programming language.


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A Vim plugin for the Stan probabilistic programming language.

Screenshot of stan-vim syntax highlighting

Table of Contents


  1. Syntax highlighting of Stan types, keywords and built-in functions.
  2. Automatic indentation consistent the recommended Stan code style.
  3. Folding via code indentation.
  4. Autocompletion of Stan keywords and functions via the Vim built-in omnifunc.


Vundle, NeoBundle and VimPlug

For Vundle users, place this in your .vimrc:

Plugin 'eigenfoo/stan-vim'

...then run the following in Vim:

:source %

For Vundle versions < 0.10.2, replace Plugin with Bundle above.

For NeoBundle users, replace Plugin with NeoBundle above.

For VimPlug users, replace Plugin with Plug above.


Run the following from the terminal:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

Home Manager

Nix users who manage their Vim plugins with Home Manager can grab stan-vim from nixpkgs:

{ pkgs, ... }:
  # or programs.neovim.plugins
  programs.vim.plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
    # ...

Manual Installation

Copy all files into your ~/.vim directory.


From Vim:

:help stan

Alternatively, read the documentation page on GitHub.

Additional Screenshots

Screenshot of stan-vim syntax highlighting

Screenshot of stan-vim syntax highlighting

Screenshot of stan-vim syntax highlighting


stan-vim is distributed under the MIT license. See the license file on GitHub.