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Version: 0.2.0a

Installs bump2version in a python3-alpine image


Note See these docs for the latest release by selecting the appropriate tag or branch above

bump2version uses the .bumpversion.cfg file in the /bump directory to bump the version found in the files listed in that config file.

To use this image, just mount the root directory at /bump with RW permissions:

docker run \
  --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)",dst=/bump \
  -it \
  bump2version patch

For use with buildrunner, see buildrunner.yaml.

Contributing and Development

Update git-submod-lib submodule for current Makefile Targets

git submodule update --remote

Build Image Locally

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile build-image

Make a pull request to main

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile pull-request-main


Minor releases

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile promotion-alpha

Once the PR is approved and merged:

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile github-release

Once the Release is published:

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile github-image

Now cut a version release branch:

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile github-branch

Now move main to the next alpha version to capture future development

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile version-alpha

Patch releases

Start with the version branch to be patched (ie 0.0.x)

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile promotion-patch

Once the PR is approved and merged:

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile github-release-patch

Once the Patch Release is published:

make -f git-submod-lib/makefile/Makefile github-image