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Quick start guide...

This is a use-package based emacs configuration adapted from

Install emacs (if not done already)

Make sure that emacs is installed on your system.

  • On Manjaro with paru installed, you can use paru -S emacs-git to install the latest version of emacs.

  • On Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint, use 'apt install emacs' to install the version in your distribution repositories, or use instructions here to install the latest version.

  • (Untested) On OS X with homebrew, use the following

    brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
    brew install emacs-plus@29

Configure emacs

Clone this repository:

mv ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d.old  ## Move your existing emacs configuration, if any
git clone --recurse-submodules ~/.emacs.d
cd ~/.emacs.d/org-mode

You might need to start emacs a couple of times before all the necessary emacs libraries are downloaded and added. If some libraries are not automatically installed and you get errors, you can install them using M-x package-install libraryname

Package/Feature configuration

All emacs packages configurations are in ~/.emacs.d/_configs and enabled by symlinking to ~/.emacs.d/_activated.

You can add packages from Elpa, and customisations to local/init.el, these will run after init.el has finished.

Local Config

To add localised config, create and use the folder ./local/

Add general config to ./local/init.el

Customize will write to (and load from) ./local/custom.el if you add it before startup.

Copy ./custom/custom.el to ./local/custom.el if you want to start from the same state as the general config.

Local Color Theme Persistence

You color-theme selection is always stored locally, in ~/.emacs-theme - initially this will be non-existent or empty.

After first running Emacs with this config, simply run:

M-x helm-themes

Now select a theme from the list.

Your selection will be saved, and untouched by upstream.


My current emacs configuration






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