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android fore

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fore helps you move code out of the view layer, leaving your reactive view code to deal with the absolute fundamentals: what things look like


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New to fore

The main principle behind fore: drive your app by observing state

This works well with UDF style apps or clean architecture for example, and with modern reactive UI frameworks like Compose, observing state becomes even more natural.

Current status

Since fore was first published back in 2017, the core code has proven pretty stable and has remained almost identical apart from the addition of kotlin / coroutines under the hood several years ago.

fore v2.0 will have no major API changes. To prepare for it, just make sure to update any older deprecated functions with their replacements - the deprecated code will finally get removed in 2.0 (this applies mainly to the non-core packages)

fore still supports Java, and an extremely performant Android app with a reactive UI, running on a 4.1 device from 10 years ago is still completely doable (and with an apk measured in kB rather than MB). But the Kotlin non-core packages like fore-kt-android-compose is where most of the development happens nowadays

Quick Start

fore is a small library, plus a selection of techniques. Its main job is to reactively tie together architectural layers in the safest, most de-coupled and low boiler plate way possible.

It doesn't dictate any particular architecture (presentation layers observing other layers is a requirement of many different reactive architectures).

For instance in a clean architecture app, you could create a reactive UI which uses fore observers to update itself based on state that originates in the domain layer.

The quickest integration (from an Activity say) - observe your model(s):

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    //setup observers
    lifecycle.addObserver(LifecycleObserver(this, viewModel))


and then implement the syncView() function

//called on the UI thread, whenever the viewModel state changes
override fun syncView() {
    viewModel.viewState.apply {
        dashboard_updatenow_btn.isEnabled = !isLoading

Examples: here and here

For a Compose UI, it looks like this:

fun MyScreen(
    viewModel: ViewModel, // or any observable thing
) {

    val viewState by viewModel.observeAsState { viewModel.state }

Example: here or here

Fore's observeAsState function takes into account both the lifecycle of the Activity/Fragment and the composition state of the composable (i.e. if it has been launched or disposed). That means it’s safe to use whether you have a single Activity architecture hosting all of your composables, or you have composables that are spread across multiple activities.


Imagine your app existing entirely separately from its UI (its UI could be a command line interface, or a GUI, compose or otherwise - the app shouldn't care or even know what type of UI it has). Then imagine the UI layer as a thin window on to this app, free to deal exclusively with what things look like.

This level of separation is a goal of lots of architectures and it's a great way to develop anything that has a UI. It's especially helpful for a platform like android with its ephemeral view layer that gets destroyed and recreated on rotation. It also lets you junit test almost everything, the UI layer becoming as close to trivial as possible.

Observers and Observables

This is the kind of challenge that the observer pattern (see the GoF book for more info) has been solving for decades. And the main innovation in fore is its radically simplified observer implementation. It lets you decouple architectural layers to a degree that would not normally be possible.

At this point, you might be thinking that fore is a reactive streams implementation like Rx or Kotlin Flow. In fact (other than the observer pattern) fore and reactive streams have very little to do with each other, and it's perfectly possible to find them both in the same project.

While connecting architectural layers with reactive streams is a very common technique, it almost always results in more boiler plate when compared with a fore style solution. Plus this additional code (when it appears in a view layer) needs to be aware of lifecycle and threading issues which are only present in view layers. This difference becomes steadily more apparent as app complexity increases.

On the other hand, asynchronously processing real time data IO with back pressure handling would be a natural fit for something like Rx or Flow (that is basically what reactive streams lives for). Trying to do that with a fore observable would be pointless.

fore's observable classes basically let you make anything observable from the perspective of the UI thread (usually it's classes in the domain layer or viewModels that are made observable, and UI components like activities, fragments or custom views do the observing).

The following code samples will make more sense in the web docs, so (click here) if you're reading this on github

Let's take a "Wallet" model, representing the details of a user's wallet (depending on the conventions or architecture of your app, you might be using repositories etc, but the technique works with any class that has state available to observe). Here's how you would make Wallet observable:

Java Kotlin

public class Wallet extends ObservableImp {

  public Wallet(WorkMode workMode) {



class Wallet: Observable by ObservableImp() {

    var currentState = WalletState(amount = 99)
        private set

  • Wallet is the single source of truth for the state of the wallet
  • Wallet exposes that (read only) state, through properties or getters (it's up to you how you want to write your code)
  • You call Wallet on the UI thread, and functions are expected to return immediately (asynchronous code is managed internally, there is no need to expose it to the outside world)
  • Wallet doesn't know about UI, or care if it has any observers or not
  • Wallet's only real responsibility is to notify observers whenever it changes its own state
  • You can call functions on Wallet, like emptyWallet(), but it's still Wallet that is in charge of changing the state

For example that emptyWallet() function might be implemented like this:

fun emptyWallet() {
    currentState = currentState.copy(amount = 0)
    notifyObservers() // we changed our externally visible state, so we will notify our observers

To observe the state of that Wallet in an activity say, we just add it to fore's lifecycle observer:

lifecycle.addObserver(LifecycleObserver(this, wallet)) 

// or observe as many models as you like - LifecycleObserver takes a vararg

lifecycle.addObserver(LifecycleObserver(this, wallet, inbox, account, etc))

Or you can use the Compose equivalent:

val walletState by wallet.observeAsState { wallet.currentState }

All that's left to do for a completely reactive UI is to use the state in your compose function, or implement syncView() in your activity/fragment/view as detailed in the intro.

Any code that needs to empty the wallet calls walletModel.emptyWallet() and that's it. No manual refreshing, no getting contexts, no rotation issues or memory leaks. Just rock solid, performant UIs that update themselves instantly

Events vs State

Over the years I've realised that diving straight into fore can be uncomfortable for developers more accustomed to driving their UIs from events rather than simple state. Many legacy apps drive their UIs primarily from events (or state changes - state changes being analogous to events). In this style of code, the UI layer often (but not always) has an explicit sequence embedded in it: show spinner -> hide spinner -> show data.

fore is for developers driving their UIs primarily with state alone. In this paradigm, the UI code makes no assumptions about sequencing, its only job is to mirror the state of the domain (sometimes the state of the view model). The UI doesn't know or care what came before, it represents the current truth, and nothing else. It's a subtle difference. Pre-Compose it results in comically tiny UI layer code. In a Compose world it helps us take full advantage of what Compose is great at: observing state, and working out the state changes for you.

Here are a few recommended background reading articles: compose related, some fundamentals


Writing view layers this way helps quite a bit from a complexity standpoint, and it's one of the things that makes fore suitable for both quick prototypes, and large complex commercial projects with 100K+ lines of code. Specifically why it is that apps written this way are both sparse and scalable is not always immediately obvious though. This discussion gets into the design of the fore api and why it drastically reduces boiler plate for a typical android app compared with alternatives. Some of the tutorials (see below) also touch on the complexity / robustness aspect.

Here's a very basic example from one of the mini kotlin apps included in the fore repo: View and Model code, and the tests: a Unit Test for the Model, and an Espresso Test for the View

Read more about the MVO architecture of fore apps.

There is often a tendency in business requirements towards complexity, the longer a project exists, the more complex it becomes. For an android app to remain maintainable over a period of years, it needs to be able to absorb this complexity without too much damage to the code base. So if there was one guiding principle followed when developing fore and its techniques, it was probably: complexity is the enemy.

It's a paradox that writing complicated code is easy (it's the usual default for a first iteration). Discovering the simple implementation for the same set of requirements is a bit of an art - but once it's achieved, progress can rapidly gain pace, and of course bugs are less likely in a code base that is clearer. So simple code is not easy to achieve, but fore aims to get you and your team to Simple (and performant) as quickly as possible so you can spend more time writing features and less time fixing bugs.

gmk57 on medium forwarded me a great comment which I think applies here: In quantum physics there is an effect where observing of a system changes properties of this system. That complication is something we are explicity avoiding with fore (the things being observed with fore don't know or even care what is observing them). If you do want to link your UI state to some app behaviour though, that's as easy as: onResume(){gpsTracker.start()} for example. It doesn't require you to manage any streams of data in order to do that (the fore observers will continue to ensure that the UI reflects the current app state regardless).

Anyway, because of the low boiler plate and the clear separation of architectural layers you get when developing this way, reactivity implemented with fore can help you with issues like code complexity; testability; UI consistency; memory leaks; and development speed - and if you're spending time dealing with any of those issues in your code base or team, it's well worth considering!

Where to get more information

This repo includes the tiny fore library, the optional packages, and 12 mini example apps. Any updates to fore are immediately reflected in the example apps and all their tests need to pass before new versions of fore are released, so they tend to remain current and are a good place to start if you're trying to figure out how things fit together:

git clone

There are also a few tutorials on like this one which demonstrates how the syncView() convention helps you to write less code, while removing a whole class of UI consistency bugs from the UI layer. Or this one which details the whys and the hows of converting the Android Architecture Blueprint Todo sample app from MVP to MVO using fore.

Most of the sample apps take a minimalist approach to architecture (though they do maintain a very clear separation between the UI layer and the rest of the app) but fore doesn't dictate the architecture, it's simply a tool to have architectural layers observe other layers, safely, and with the least amount of boiler plate possible. For example, this sample app uses fore to implement a clean architecture module structure (which now also comes with its own article). Another example with slightly more architecture is the Apollo3 article and sample app on

The most recent fore sample comes from the fore and Compose article on which covers the basics of migrating a tick-tac-toe app from MVP to Compose.

If you have a question about the best way to achieve what you want with fore, consider opening an issue (even better, a stackoverflow question which you can link to from an issue). Also, if you want to write an article related to fore, if you open an issue about it, we might include a link to it from the docs

Why do we care about boiler-plate?

Boiler plate dilutes code which is implementing requirements, in other words it gets in the way and makes it harder to see what the code is actually doing. It can distract developers, and if it gets really bad it can even fool developers into thinking things are more difficult than they really are. It's generally better to have less boiler-plate, but we developers also don't tend to like things that work by "magic" either so the ideal tends to be minimal boiler plate, that works in an obvious way. Fore is always trying to strike that balance.

Sample Apps

all samples

The mini example apps included with the repo are deliberately sparse and ugly so that you can see exactly what they are doing. These are not examples for how to nicely structure XML layouts - all that you can do later in the View layers whether in traditional XML, or Jetpack Compose, and it should have no impact on the stability of the app. Process death in the sample apps just wipes all the data, if you're looking for ways to handle that without cluttering up the view layer, the clean architecture sample app linked to above uses persista to save/recover the state of the app across process death.

These apps are however, totally robust and comprehensively tested (and properly support rotation). And that's really where you should try to get to as quickly as possible, so that you can then start doing the fun stuff like adding beautiful graphics and cute animations.

For these example apps, all the View components are located in the ui/ package and the Models are in the feature/ package. This package structure gives the app code good glanceability and should let you find what you want easily.

For the sample apps there is a one-to-one relationship between the sub-packages within ui/, and the sub-packages within feature/ but it needn't be like that and for larger apps it often isn't. You might have one BasketModel but it will be serving both a main BasketView and a BasketIconView located in a toolbar for instance. A more complex view may use data from several different models at the same time eg a BasketModel and an AccountModel.

### **fore 1** Reactive UI Example

video | source code (java) | source code (kotlin)

fore reactive UI sample app

This app is a bare bones implementation of a reactive UI. No threading, no networking, no database access - just the minimum required to demonstrate Reactive UIs. It's still a full app though, supports rotation and has a full set of tests to go along with it.

In the app you move money from a "Savings" wallet to a "Mobile" wallet and then back again. It implements a tiny section of the diagram from the architecture section.

### **fore 2** Asynchronous Code Example

video | source code (java) | source code (kotlin)

fore threading sample app

This one demonstrates asynchronous programming, and importantly how to test it. The java version uses (Async and AsyncBuilder), the kotlin version uses coroutines (with some fore extensions that make the coroutines unit testable). Again, it's a bare bones (but complete and tested) app - just the minimum required to demonstrate asynchronous programming.

This app has a counter that you can increase by pressing a button (but it takes time to do the increasing - so you can rotate the device, background the app etc and see the effect).

### **fore 3** Adapter Example

video | source code (java) | source code (kotlin)

fore adapters sample app

This one demonstrates how to use adapters with fore.

The java sample has two lists side by side so you can see the how the implementation differs depending on if you are backed by immutable list data (typical in architectures that use view states such as MVI) or mutable list data. As usual it's a complete and tested app but contains just the minimum required to demonstrate adapters.

The kotlin version has three lists, adding an implementation of google's AsyncListDiffer. All three implementations have slightly different characteristics, most notably the google version moves logic out of the model and into the adapter (that's why it doesn't automatically support rotation - but it could be added easily enough by passing an external list copy to the adapter). Check the source code for further infomation.

The UI for each app is deliberately challenging to implement on android, and although it's ugly, the UI lets you smash buttons to not only add and remove multiple items, but also to change the state of each item in the list. All changes are animated, it supports rotation, it's totally robust and the UI layer is extremely thin for both apps.

### **fore 4** Retrofit Example

video | source code (java) | source code (kotlin)

fore retrofit sample app

Clicking the buttons in this app will perform network requests to some static files that are hosted on Mocky (have you seen that thing? it's awesome). The buttons make various network connections, various successful and failed responses are handled in different ways. It's all managed by the CallWrapper class which is the main innovation in the fore-kt-network package, the kotlin implementation of CallWrapper is implemented with coroutines and has an API better suited to kotlin and functional programming.

As you're using the app, please notice:

  • how you can rotate the device with no loss of state or memory leaks. I've used Mocky to add a delay to the network request so that you can rotate the app mid-request to clearly see how it behaves (because we have used fore to separate the view from everything else, rotating the app makes absolutely no difference to what the app is doing, and the network busy spinners remain totally consistent). Putting the device in airplane mode also gives you consistent behaviour when you attempt to make a network request.

As usual this is a complete and tested app. In reality the tests are probably more than I would do for a real app this simple, but they should give you an idea of how you can do unit testing, integration testing and UI testing whilst steering clear of accidentally testing implementation details.

### **fore 7** Apollo Example [source code (kotlin, Apollo3)]( In a similar vein we have a networking sample that integrates with a GraphQL API using Apollo3. Includes the ability to chain network calls together, support rotation, handle all error conditions gracefully, and is completely testable / tested (Unit tests and UI tests) and of course has a wafer thin UI layer.
### **fore 8** Ktor Example [source code (kotlin)]( Ditto but using Ktor (and OkHttp). And as usual includes the ability to chain network calls together, support rotation, handle all error conditions gracefully, and is completely testable / tested (Unit tests and UI tests)
### **fore 9** Compose Example [source code (kotlin)]( Sample for the [observeAsState]( function and the [WindowSize]( classes
### **fore 6** DB Example (Room db driven to-do list)

video | source code (java)

fore room db sample app

A To-do list on steroids that lets you:

  • manually add 50 random todos at a time
  • turn on a "boss mode" which randomly fills your list with even more todos over the following 10 seconds
  • "work from home" which connects to the network and downloads 25 extra todos (up to 9 simultaneous network connections)
  • randomly delete about 10% of your todos
  • randomly change 10% of your outstanding todos to done

It's obviously ridiculously contrived, but the idea is to implement something that would be quite challenging and to see how little code you need in the view layer to do it.

It is driven by a Room db, and there are a few distinct architectural layers: as always there is a view layer and a model layer (in packages: ui and feature). There is also a networking and a persistence layer. The UI layer is driven by the model which in turn is driven by the db.

All the database changes are done away from the UI thread, RecyclerView animations using DiffUtil are supported (for lists below 1000 rows), the app is totally robust and supports rotation out of the box.

There is only one test class included with this app which demonstrates how to test Models which are driven by a Room DB (using CountdownLatches etc). For other test examples, please see the other sample apps


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