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Yevgeniy Zakharov edited this page Mar 6, 2022 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the SQLiteORM wiki!

SQLiteORM is an amazing library allowing developers using SQLite within Swift project without writing raw string queries and does not depends on Codable protocol. This lib is a replica from another wonderful SQLite library sqlite_orm.

Right now SQLiteORM has alpha state. It means that you can use it but API may change before release. There are a lot of features to be done. You'll find a roadmap of features to be done below:

  • CRUD ✅
  • transactions ✅
  • aggregate functions ✅
  • getAll ✅
  • where ✅
  • deleteAll ✅
  • updateAll ✅
  • iteration ⛔️
  • pragma ⛔️
  • orderBy ✅
  • join ⛔️
  • select ✅
  • core/time/math functions ⛔️
  • application defined functions ⛔️
  • compound operators ⛔️
  • limit, offset ✅
  • groupBy ⛔️
  • distinct ⛔️
  • indexes ⛔️
  • triggers ⛔️
  • collate ⛔️
  • foreignKey ⛔️
  • prepared statements ⛔️
  • backup ⛔️
  • insert/replace range ⛔️
  • raw insert ⛔️

If you did not find a desired feature you can open an issue with it or tell about it in discussions tab. If you found a desired feature in this list and you want it to be available faster please let us know using issue or a discussion topic.

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