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A Grace plugin for creating reusable, testable and encapsulated view components.


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Grace View Components

A Grace plugin for creating reusable, testable and encapsulated view components.

Grace Version

  • Grace 2022.2.0


Add dependency view-components

Adding view-components plugin to the build.gradle,

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.graceframework:grace-gradle-plugin:$graceVersion"
        classpath "org.graceframework.plugins:views-gradle:5.2.4"

apply plugin: "org.graceframework.grace-gsp"
apply plugin: "org.graceframework.plugins.views-markup" // Need to build Grace Markup Views

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation "org.graceframework.plugins:views-markup:5.2.4"
    implementation "org.graceframework.plugins:view-components:VERSION"

Let's start create some Components, ButtonComponent in app/components,

├── app
│   ├── assets
│   ├── components
│   │   └── demo
│   │       ├── ButtonComponent.groovy
│   │       └── CardComponent.groovy
│   └── views
│       └── components
│           ├── button
│           │   └── button_component.gml
│           └── card
│               └── card_component.gml

ButtonComponent is just a POGO, we define attribues which will be used in Markup views.

class ButtonComponent {
    String name = 'Button'
    String type = 'button'
    String size
    String cssClasses
    String color
    String state
    String icon

    String getCssClasses() {
        String theCssClasses = 'btn'
        if (this.cssClasses) {
            theCssClasses += ' ' + this.cssClasses
        else {
            theCssClasses += " btn-info"
        if (size) {
            theCssClasses += " btn-$size"

In the app/views/components/button/button_component.gml,

model {
    String name
    String type
    String size
    String cssClasses
    String color
    String state
    String icon

button([type: type, class: cssClasses] + (state == 'disabled' ? [disabled : ''] : [:]) + (color ? [style: 'color: ' + color] : [:])) {
    if (icon) {
        i(class: "bi bi-${icon}") {
    yield name

Using the ButtonComponent, CardComponent in your GSPs, it's very easy, ViewComponents support custom namespace and tags.

// Using expression in GSP
${new ButtonComponent(name: 'Primary Button', cssClasses: 'btn-primary').render()}

// Using tag in GSP
<vc:render component="button" name="View Components" cssClasses="btn-success" icon="star" />

// Custom namespace for components supports in 0.0.2
// I'm sorry, it's not supported by Grails, you can reply and make a request if you are interested, go to
<vc:button type="button" name="Icon Button" cssClasses="btn-primary" icon="box" />

<vc:card title="My First Component" content="This is the first Card" />

<g:each var="post" in="${Post.list()}">
    <vc:card title="${post.title}" content="${post.body}" />
    // or
    <vc:card model="${post}" />

<vc:icon name="alarm" />
<vc:icon name="apple" />
<vc:icon name="bag" />
<vc:icon name="bank" />
<vc:icon name="box" />

Using Inline template

You also can write template in Component groovy source using inline(String templateText), it's One File Component!

class IconComponent {
    String name

    def render() {
        inline """
i(class: "bi bi-$name") {


Build from source

git clone
cd grace-view-components
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

What's New


  • Refactor app directory and packages of the plugin
  • Upgrade to Grace 2022.2.4
  • Upgrade to Groovy 3.0.17


  • Upgrade to Grace 2022.2.0
  • Support Custom namespace for components


  • Support Grace 2022.0+
  • Introduce View Components, using in Controller and GSP
  • New taglib: ComponentTagLib


This plugin is available as open source under the terms of the APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0
