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A public-facing, centralized place to store reusable workflows used by Grafana Labs.


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A public-facing, centralized place to store reusable GitHub workflows and action used by Grafana Labs. See the actions/ directory for the individual actions themselves.


Configure your IDE to run Prettier

Prettier will run in CI to ensure that files are formatted correctly. To ensure that your code is formatted correctly before you commit, set up your IDE to run Prettier on save.

Or from the commandline, you can run Prettier using npx:

npx prettier --check .

Or, of course, install it in any other way you want.

Pin versions

When referencing third-party actions, always pin the version to a specific commit hash. This ensures that the workflow will always use the same version of the action, even if the action's maintainers release a new version or if the tag itself is updated.

Dependabot can update these SHA references when there are new versions. If you include a tag in a commend after the SHA, it can update the comment too. For example:

- uses: action/foo@abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789 # v1.2.3

Refer to other shared-workflows actions using relative paths

When referencing other actions in this repository, use a relative path. This will ensure actions in this repo are always used at the same commit. To do this:

- name: Checkout
    # In a composite action, these two need to be indirected via the
    # environment, as per the GitHub actions documentation:
    action_repo: ${{ github.action_repository }}
    action_ref: ${{ github.action_ref }}
  uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
    repository: ${{ env.action_repo }}
    ref: ${{ env.action_ref }}
    # substitute your-action with a unique name (within `shared-repos` for your
    # action), so if multiple actions check `shared-workflows` out, they don't
    # overwrite each other
    path: _shared-workflows-your-action

- name: Use another action
  uses: ./_shared-workflows-your-action/actions/some-action
    some-input: some-value


A public-facing, centralized place to store reusable workflows used by Grafana Labs.



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