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Random walks for acceptance tests.


ember install ember-cli-odyssey


In your acceptance test import RandomWalk:

import RandomWalk from 'ember-cli-odyssey';

Then setup your custom steps for an odyssey through the app (The sample uses ember-cli-page-object):

import rootPage from '../../pages/root';
import loginPage from '../../pages/auth/login';
import profilePage from '../../pages/auth/profile';

test('odyssey through the app', async function (assert) {
  // define all things that are needed for the steps, e.g. email, password...

  const randomWalk = new RandomWalk(this, assert);

  randomWalk.addStep('visitRootPage', {
    isApplicable: () => currentURL() !== '/',
    async execute() {
      await rootPage.visit();
      assert.equal(currentURL(), '/', 'I can visit the root page');

  randomWalk.addStep('visitLoginPage', {
    isApplicable: () => currentURL() === '/',
    async execute: () => await rootPage.clickLogin(),

  randomWalk.addStep('login', {
    isApplicable: () => currentURL() === '/login',
    async execute: () => await loginPage.login(email, password),

  randomWalk.addStep('visitUserProfile', {
    isApplicable: () => currentURL() !== '/login',
    async execute() {
      await profilePage.visit();
      assert.equal(currentURL(), '/profile', 'I can visit the profile page');

  randomWalk.addStep('editUserProfile', {
    isApplicable: () => currentURL() === '/profile',
    async execute() {
      await profilePage
        .name('Howard Hamster')

      assert.equal(currentURL(), '/profile', 'After editing my profile I stay on the profile page');
      assert.equal(, 'Howard Hamster', 'My name got changed');
      assert.equal(profilePage.username(), 'emberman', 'My username got changed');

  // Doing the random walk


  // do a few deterministic steps
  await randomWalk.execute('visitLoginPage');
  await randomWalk.execute('login');

  // and then 20 random steps
  await randomWalk.doSteps(20);



  • git clone <repository-url>
  • cd ember-cli-odyssey
  • npm install


  • npm run lint:js
  • npm run lint:js -- --fix

Running tests

  • ember test – Runs the test suite on the current Ember version
  • ember test --server – Runs the test suite in "watch mode"
  • npm test – Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions

Running the dummy application

For more information on using ember-cli, visit


This project is licensed under the MIT License.