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hdsbbrooks edited this page May 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the ICS4U Course Page!

UPDATES (last updated May 1, 2020)

May 1:

  • Email sent to all students - check your emails.
  • Due dates for the remainder of the course have changed to spread out the workload:
    • Theoretical Computer Science changed from May 8 to May 15
    • Fire Systems changed to a single due date of May 29 - see email for more details on this project.
    • Earth System this culminating project has been cancelled
    • Programming Culminating this culminating project is still happening; however, the due date has been changed. It will be due somewhere between June 19 and 24 (awaiting guidance on this).

April 27:

  • Email sent to all students - check your emails.
  • Graduating students have had their midterm marks entered into the system and the same number is on your Feedback Form. Please see the email sent for more details.

April 20:

  • Email sent to all students - check your emails.
  • Feedback Forms continue to be updated daily based on who has been assessed. I am working through the remainder of the Classes and Objects and Emerging Technology work.
  • Due dates for the remainder of the course have changed to spread out the workload (this is assuming distance learning continues until the end of May):
    • Sorting & Searching - changed from April 29 to May 1
    • Theoretical Computer Science changed from May 4 to May 8
    • Extending Objects changed from May 15 to May 22
    • Fire Systems changed from occurring the week of May 18 to the week of May 25. The format for this is still being decided on, but it will (most likely) not look anything like what we were doing in class.
    • We are currently awaiting direction regarding culminating tasks at this point, but the dates for Earth Systems and Programming Culminating are still as they originally were. Any changes to this will be noted here and sent in an email.

April 14:

  • Email sent to all students - check your emails.
  • Feedback Forms have been constantly updated regarding Classes and Objects and Emerging Technology. These will continue to be updated throughout the week as I get through the remainder of the submitted work.
  • Anyone who submitted a Google Slides file for Emerging Technology might not have shared your audio files. If you did not, I have sent you an email at your account to share these files.

April 8:

  • Email sent to all students - check your emails.
  • Feedback Forms updated with Water Systems assessment information.

April 5:

  • Updated Theoretical Computer Science to include the topic selection, and submission method.

April 3:

  • Email sent to all students - check your emails.
  • Updated Sorting & Searching assignment to include tutorials and visualizations.
  • Added the Extending Objects assignment, including tutorials and examples (where found/applicable).
  • Updated Emerging Technology submission method.
  • Updated Files to include the word "NEW:" where there is new information regarding submission details
  • Created Extending Objects Notes page rather than having it mixed in with the code section of the repository.
  • Removed Extending Objects (Short Notes) from the code/examples/extending-objects page

April 1:

  • Email sent to all students - check your emails.
  • Updated due date timing to be 11:59PM on the dates previously updated on March 31. See due dates page for clarification.
  • Added the updated Files and Sorting & Searching assignments to the site.
  • Updated UML Notes pictures to more accurately depict UML specifications.

March 31:

  • The course material will update slightly due to the changed nature of how the course is being delivered.
    • All updates should be completed by Monday, April 6th, 2020 in preparation for the course to continue.
  • The Project Management portion of the course might have drastic changes - these will not be updated by April 6th.
  • Updated due dates for:
    • Classes and Objects
    • Files
    • Sorting & Searching
    • Emerging Technology
    • Theoretical Computer Science
    • Extending Objects
    • Fire Systems

Course information


This section will contain links to all of the course assignments. They are grouped by Overarching Learning Goal (OLG). Be aware that within each OLG, the material is in a suggested chronological order for completing the work to ease your understanding of the materials.

If you believe you can show your understanding of certain materials in another manner (excluding the project management section), please discuss with your teacher well ahead of the deadline.

πŸ“™ Project Management

πŸ“˜ Programming Concepts

πŸ“— Digital Sage


All of the course notes can be found here. If you find other notes that you believe would prove useful for a particular item, please deposit a link to the IN drive folder and tag it as a suggestion in some way.

Editor(s) and Installed Software

  • Processing 3.3.5 would be useful for Processing 3
  • Unity 2018 would be useful for Unity
  • Code::Blocks would be useful for C++
  • Visual Studio could be useful for C++, C#, Xamarin, or Python
  • Notepad++ would be useful for Lua, Love2D, Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc. (almost any language)
  • NetBeans would be useful for Java
  • Eclipse would be useful for Java
  • PyCharm or Python 3.7 GUI would be useful for Python 3
    • For anyone that needs to install packages yourself, you have two options:
      • You can use to complete your work. If you need a GUI, you can use the PySimpleGUI package to get a GUI going. For those previously using PySimpleGUIWeb, there has been an update by the developer noting that you can use PySimpleGUI on (assuming you start a TKinter project).
      • Otherwise, you can download Thonny to install to a USB key.

Licensing and Notices

Creative Commons License
All of the written work contained herein falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, unless otherwise explicitly noted (there are a few pages that contain works that do not fall under this license. They will be noted at the bottom of their respective pages).

All code found within the site falls under the MIT License