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hea3ven edited this page Oct 29, 2015 · 6 revisions

All the config options are accessible from the in-game config menu. You can get to it from the main menu, clicking in the "Mods" button, then selecting the "Hard Mode Tweaks" from the list and clicking the "Configure" button.

Day/Night Cycle

WARNING: the tweaks to the day/night cycle might cause some mods to break, if you are having any issue first try disabling this tweak.

The day/night cycle tweaks allow you to change the length of the in-game day.

Config options

  • Day/Night Cycle > Enable Day/Night cycle tweaks: Enables all the tweaks to the day/night cycle.
  • Day/Night Cycle > Length multiplier: Configure the multiplier of the length of the day/night cycle. A value of 1.0 leaves it at 20 minutes. Values higher than 1.0 extend the length, and values lower shortens it.
  • Day/Night Cycle > Day to night ratio: Configure how much time of time of the cycle is day. It can be any value between 0.0 and 1.0. A value of 0.5 means the day is the same length as the night. Values higher than 0.5 make the day longer than the night, and values lower make the day shorter than the night.

Healing food

These tweaks makes it so you heal when eating food. You can check the value (Food Points) of vanilla foods in the wiki. The healing formula goes as follows: (<Food value> - <Heal offset>) * <Heal multiplier>

Config options

  • Healing Food > Enable healing food: Enables all tweaks regarding healing food.
  • Healing Food > Required value: The minium required value for a food to do any healing at all. This allows you to prevent healing from low value foods, like the melon.
  • Healing Food > Heal offset: Value for the healing formula.
  • Healing Food > Heal multiplier: Value for the healing formula.
  • Healing Food > Food values tweaks: Modifications to food's value and saturation. Remove all entries to leave as default vanilla values.

Game Rules

This section allows you to define game rules that get automatically applied to all worlds. The rules get applied when the server start, for multiplayer, or when the world loads, for single player.

Config options

  • Game Rules > Enable Game Rules: Enables the application of the game rules.
  • The rest of the options are generated dynamically from the available game rules.


Tweaks for hostile mobs.

Config options

  • Mobs > Creeper spawn tweak: Make it so that creepers only spawn on blocks without direct sky access.
  • Mobs > Enable the mobs tweaks: Enables all the tweaks to mobs.
  • Mobs > Spiders apply slowness: Makes it so that when spiders hit an entity, they apply a slowness debuff.
  • Mobs > Replace cave spider's poison: Makes it so that caves spiders apply a weakness debuff in stead of poison. This stacks with the slowness of the previous config.
  • Mobs > Zombie knockback resistance: The value for zombies' knockback resistance, use values between 0.0 and 1.0. Set to 0.0 to disable.


Tweaks for the sleep mechanic.

Config options

  • Sleep > Enable sleep tweaks: Enables all the tweaks to sleeping.
  • Sleep > Prevention timeout: The number of days that must pass after placing a bed before it can be used.


Tweaks to the world.

Config options

  • World > Enable world tweaks: Enables all the tweaks to the world.
  • World > Max break speed: The maximum break speed allowed. For reference, the break speed of a diamond pickaxe is 8, and with efficiency V it's speed is 34.


Other tweaks.

Config options

  • Other > Tweak animal AI: Makes it so that animal mobs run away, in stead of randomly, when being attacked.
  • Other > Prevent boat breaking: Prevents boats from breaking when hitting walls.
  • Other > Non-solid leaves: Makes leaves blocks pass non-solid (like vines).